7 || new rains

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You knew it, you knew his game of benefits. But this feeling bubbling inside you told you something else. The brain saying no, you are nothing more than an advantage. The heart saying there is more to it. Do the strong mind and unbroken soul compensate for the weak heart?

You want to show him that there is so much more to relationships than just benefits. Not just romantic relationships but friendships as well. There are relationships that are built off of just pure enjoyment of the other's presence. You want to show Kyoya there is so much more.

"I'm sorry. What I said was out of hand." you looked down at your feet.

"It's alright. You've caught on quick to what I do," Kyoya smiled.

The awkward silence filled the air, almost suffocating. To distract yourself, you went to the cash register and wrote down the assigned colors you gave to each host. Once finished, you looked up and saw Kyoya examining the forget-me-nots. It brought a familiar warmth into your mind and heart, are the two finally working together for once?

"Let's go to the cafe and get something to drink. I need some caffeine," you said breaking the silence.

"Alright," he walked towards the door as you took off your apron and he held the door open for you, "Wait."

You paused and looked at him. He inched closer to you and cupped your face with his hand and with his other hand, he smudged the dirt off your face and then smirked. Your cheeks felt hot and you were frustrated with how easily Kyoya was able to make you blush. Quickly brushing that feeling off, you two made your way to the cafe, ordered your drinks, and sat down at a table in the corner of the cafe.

 Quickly brushing that feeling off, you two made your way to the cafe, ordered your drinks, and sat down at a table in the corner of the cafe

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"Kyoya," you started and he hummed in response, "May I ask what the flowers I arranged were for?"

"I was breaking up with someone." he simply stated.

"Ummmm, care to give me the tea?" you coaxed.

"You're drinking some right now, what more do you want?"

"Haha, very funny Mr. Kyoya Ootori," You said with sarcasm laced in your voice.

He grinned, "Let's just say that for a relationship to go both ways, both should be committed and I felt like I was the only one who was, so I called it off."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." you looked downwards.

"It's alright. I've got better things to keep on my mind anyway," Kyoya pushed up his flashy glasses.

"Such as taking over your father's company?" you questioned raising an eyebrow. You were curious about Kyoya. Hungry for more details and personal information. He seemed so closed off, but you wanted to change that and possibly you can learn about yourself too.

"What about yours?" he counteracted.

Your eyes widened, "What do you know about my family?" you challenged leaning forward.

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