15 || potentially fear

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The pizza arrived and now the three of you were seated in the dining room. You were seated next to Kyoya while your father sat across from the two of you. 

"If I knew you were coming here I would've gotten food that is," you looked at the almost empty pizza box in the middle of the table, "more appropriate." 

"It's alright Y/N. After all, I did come without any announcement," your father smiled softly. 

Kyoya shifted in his seat, "What brings you all the way to Japan Mr. L/N?" 

"Your father called me over the phone, requesting my aid." the man said while taking the last slice of pizza.  

"Aid?" you said a little worriedly. That makes it sound like Mr. Ootori is in serious need of help. 

Taking in the tone of your voice, your father quickly reassured, "Oh no! Not in that way. Mr. Ootori and I are working on a new project." 

Your hands retired to the armrests of the chair and Kyoya rested one of his hands on top of yours. Luck for Kyoya, the height of the armrests was lower than the table so Mr. L/N wouldn't be able to see. 

A ding interrupted the small moment of silence; the ring of a phone, more specifically a news notification. Your father swiftly pulled out his phone and scrolled. Two more sharp sounds filled the room, you and Kyoya pulled out your phones. On the screens appeared the headline: 

The Power Couple of Two Countries! When did F/N L/N, daughter of the owner of Pineapple Inc, arrive in Japan? And What is She Doing With the Prosperous Kyoya Ootori?

You and Kyoya's eyes widened in shock and your eyes kept following the rest of the words in the article: 

Only hours ago, the 'power couple,' as reporters are now calling it, was spotted in theGrand Luxury Sky Hotel, enjoying a meal together in the hotel's famous restaurant. The five-star restaurant is one of the most expensive and classiest in Japan. What were L/N and Ootori were doing there? Reporters claim the two were on a date. By the looks of their attire, it looked significant. L/N was wearing exclusive apparel from (insert whatever brand name you want) and Ootori was wearing a custom-made suit from Dormeuil. 

As if your minds were connected and working at the same speed, you and Kyoya looked at your attire and realized that you were still in the same outfits shown in the provided photos of the article. Continuing to read the rest of the report: 

Not only were the couple sighted at the restaurant, but they were also seen in the busy streets of Downtown Tokyo. 

There was an image of you smiling and standing with your hands in the air through the sunroof while Kyoya's hand was around your waist, leaving no room between the two of you. 

The couple seemed to fancy themselves some romantic and expensive night cruising. Holding each other closely, they enjoyed their time looking at the neon lights of the bustling city. Unfortunately, nothing is for certain for when reporters showed up on sight, the couple quickly rushed away and reporters were unable to catch up. 

There was an image of Kyoya holding your hand as he rushed you to the elevators, both of you covering your faces from the bright flashing of cameras.

Whether or not the two are actually dating, reporters and the public hope they are happy. 

You tossed your phone onto the table and pushed yourself up to standing furiously, "Well yeah!! I am most definitely happy." you hissed with venomous sarcasm laced between each word. 

Kyoya grabbed your arm and brought you back into your seat, holding your hand underneath the table and rubbed circles over it using his thumb. His actions calmed you down a little bit, but what you couldn't understand is how Kyoya was able to stay so calm. Both of you turned your attention to the man who was sitting in front of you. Questions filled your head as you wondered what he was going to say. 

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