2 || perfect timing

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You had to admit, this 'Kyoya' boy was not bad looking at all. In fact, he was quite handsome. He had jet black hair that shone like silk in the sunlight through the windows. The way his brownish-grey eyes gazed into yours, showing slight panic while still trying to keep composure behind the flashy metal rimmed glasses that rested on his nose. He was tall and slim, but still, fit to see that there was muscle built. It was not difficult at all to see that he came from a wealthy family. There was a small logo on the black blazer he wore, it looked so familiar like it was a symbol in a deep memory from your childhood. And it was no lie to say that he had a nice sense of fashion either. To accompany his blazer, he wore a simple white t-shirt, black jeans that cuffed around his ankles, and white sneakers. He also wore a thin silver chain around his neck that brought your attention to his strong jawline when he was in the shop. For meeting people in a short amount of time, you were very observant, thanks to your father's work.

Your mind wandered. Why would someone need such a bouquet? And why did he leave so much money so carelessly? No doubt he was rich, but he didn't even ask for change. I mean, they were just flowers. Sure they have great meaning, but will he even know what each flower means? Would he even notice if I use flowers with the opposite meaning? You check the time,

11:32 am, I've got time, you thought to yourself. You decided to arrange the flowers that were to be picked up at 12:15 today. You were told that it was for a woman who was throwing a surprise baby shower for daughter. The woman decided to go with two bouquets the larger pots we had. The bouquets consisted of pink carnations that represent a mother's love and forget-me-nots that represent true love and remembrance. Carefully finishing up the last bit of decorating the bunches with ribbon, you check the time once more.

12:00. She should be here soon. To pass a bit of time, you continued your doodle on the back of the receipt from yesterday. That's when you heard bells ringing. Quickly shuffling your doodle in the drawer of the cash register, you turned your gaze to the woman who walked through the door. She gently smiled and pulled out an order form.

"I'm here to pick up my flowers for 12:15." she placed the form on the desk. Checking the form, you rushed to the back where her flowers were and brought them back onto the counter so she can examine them. You watched her bring one flower closer to her nose to take in the sweet scent, silently waiting for approval. She finally spoke,

"My my young lady, you have done a lovely job. I shall request your arrangements everytime I come here. May I have your name?"

"Just request for the name Y/N and I'll be there! Thank you so much, can't wait for your next order." you flashed a slight smile. And with that, she exited the store and the sound of bells echoed in your ears as someone else walked in.

A small boy, around 8 years old walked in, with a few crumpled dollars in hand. He seemed nervous, standing on his tippy toes, his chocolate pools peered at you over the counter. You walked around the counter and up to the boy and bent down to his eye level.

"How may I help you today?" you genuinely smiled. Surprisingly, you were good with kids, meaning that they were naturally open around you. This boy just blinked.

"I'm l-looking...uh...for, um...flowers," he said quietly as he looked at his feet. Good thing patience was one of your qualities, there was a feeling that this might take time.

"Well, what type of flowers are you searching for?" you said, standing up and walking to some of the flowers placed closer to the ground so he could see.

"Roses," he whispered, "Red r-roses."

After hearing this, you spun around to the boy with an eye smile, you knew what was going on, "Is there a particular girl you have a little crush on?"

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