4 || first day

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6:15 am...that should be enough time to prepare.

The small sun's light shines through the windows while it crawls over your eyelids, creating a vision of white. Blinking your eyes open to the reality of your grand room in the grand mansion you lived in, alone. (A/N -did I mention you were rich? lol. well...you are like...filthy rich. but you will figure out later hehe). Slowing rising from your king sized bed, you rubbed your eyes and walked to your closet on the other side of your room. Taking the required new uniform off its hanger, you examined the frilly yellow dress that was too modest for your liking. You looked at it with slight disgust and lay it on your bed to unwillingly change into later. 

Making your way to the restroom, you did your morning routine and fixed your appearance until it was presentable. First impressions matter, Y/N. Your father's voice echoed through your head, reminding you of when he would take you to work. Smiling to yourself at the memory, you slid on a silver bracelet and went down the hall, back to your room. You reluctantly put on the pastel yellow dress lined with white lace. Examining yourself in the mirror, an eyebrow was raised and your eyes narrowed in a judgy way. 

"Well, I look like a poofy doll, waiting to be sold to a girl. This is the best its gonna get," you muttered to yourself, fidgeting with the lace trimming. 

7:00 am...Quickly eat, then call the limo. 

Sauntering into the kitchen to open up the fridge, you found all the stuff you needed to make your favorite breakfast. Once you finished preparing it, you quickly enjoyed it. Then, you quickly grabbed your things for school and hopped into the limo waiting outside for you. 

Arriving at school, butterflies filled your stomach. School here was very different in America. Here at Ouran, the kids here were similar to you; you were no longer the outsider. You walked around campus since you arrived a little early, taking in the sight of the sakura trees decorating the campus in light pink. It was fresh and beautiful, only thing is...where do you go? 

You had to admit, this prestigious school was very confusing. You ended up in the elementary building, twice. You just needed to get to the office to receive your schedule. In the midst of all the confusion, you felt a metal thing hit your head. Annoyed from your confusion, you turned around and glared around. In the short distance, you saw two redheads. As they came closer, you came to realize they were twins, more specifically, the Hitachiin Twins. You've recognized their name around your father's work but never really paid attention to it. As they approached you, you got a better look at their faces and you had to admit, they were quite handsome. You picked up the metal can that hit your head and when you came back to standing, you were face to face with the twins, grins plastered on their faces. 

"So pretty lady-" One started.

"-I see you're the new transfer student." the other one finished. 

"Um...yea. I'm a new student," you muttered, shocked that word gets around. 

"No worries. We can help you! I'm Hikaru!" he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. 

"And I'm Kaoru!" said the other twin as he also wrapped an arm around the other side of your shoulders, now you were stuck in between the Hitachiin twins. 

"Say, pretty lady, gotta name?" they chorused.

"I'm Y/N L/N. But just call me Y/N." you smiled and then realized you still needed your schedule. "Can you two help me get to the administration office?" 

They nodded led you to one of the buildings. People began to fill the campus and hallways. Being in between the twins brought you a lot of attention. You were curious. Was it me they were staring at? Or the Hitachiin twins?  It made you feel a little uneasy. 

Your thinking was interrupted by Kaoru, "Here we are! We will wait out here and then help you to your class since you probably don't know where that is either."

Walking in, you saw a lady typing furiously away at her computer. You didn't want to seem rude, but you needed this schedule. 

"Ahem," you said and she snapped your head at you. 

"May I help you," she raised an eyebrow in annoyance. You put on a well-rehearsed fake smile.

"Hello. My name is L/N. Y/N L/N. I am the new transfer student and am here to collect my schedule."

She scoffed and dug through files on her cluttered desk. Once she found it she scanned my schedule and handed it to me. 

"Thank you so much," you played an innocent act as you walked out the door. 

Turning left from the office's doorway, you spotted the twins with their backs against the lockers and one leg propped. Once Hikaru spotted you, he snatched the paper out of your hands. 

Kaoru peered over his twin's shoulder and read, "Class 1-A...Hey! That's us too!"

"Let's go!" Hikaru linked arms with you and strutted down hallways with Kaoru close behind. 

The three of you made your way to the classroom and you took a seat in front of Hikaru by the window. It was early and you fiddled with your fingers underneath your desk. People started filing in and taking their seats. Luckily, you chose a seat that wasn't taken. Glancing at the seat in between the twins, you wondered who would ever sit in between those to wackos. 

Ring Ring...the bell went off at exactly 8:00 am.

Seconds after the bell rang, a person with short brown hair and big brown eyes rushed in and quickly sat between Hikaru and Kaoru. What was interesting was that it was a girl in a boy's uniform. You cinched your eyebrows together, looking at Kaoru. All he did was grin and face the front, gesturing that the teacher has walked in. 

"Good morning class. We will pick up the math lesson we left off last week. But I would want to introduce the new student we have. Please stand up and introduce yourself," as the teacher gestured towards me. 

You stood up and gave your selling smile, "Hello everyone. My name is L/N  F/N and I am from the United States. Hope we have a good rest of the year and many more to come." 

You heard whispers go around the class, 

Oh, she is cute.

I call dibs. 

I saw her walking with the twins, she better not steal them from me. 

She's not pretty enough to impress the twins.

I've heard about her father and her last name is pretty big in America. 

Smiling to yourself at the opinions you heard, you took your seat and focused on your teacher, Mrs. Nakamura, as she went on with the lesson.

The class went on and you felt something soft hit your head and then fall to your desk. You looked behind you and saw the twins snickering, gesturing you to open the paper airplane laying in front of you. 

It read:

Come find us at lunch if you want to play a game and win a prize :P  

- Guess which twin is which

This was going to be a long day, you thought to yourself. Turning to the Hitachiin brothers, you gave them a nod and went back to figuring out the value of x. 

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