5 || the others

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It was lunchtime and you found yourself struggling to make your way to the cafeteria to find a place to eat in the swarm of students. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around your waist and mouth and you were being dragged backward, away from the cafeteria doors.

"Gotcha!" said a squeaky voice.

Your yelling was muffled by the hand that smelled like soft cologne and your wide eyes observed where you were being taken. The surroundings were quieter and fewer students were around. Hallways lined with red carpet and chandeliers were finally noticed. Eventually, you got the person off of you and saw who it was. Or in this case, who they were.

"Um...why did you just snatch me up!?" you yelled in confusion.

In front of you was a short blonde boy with big brown eyes who held a small pink rabbit close to him. This was confusing, he wore a high schooler's uniform but he seemed to be in elementary. The small one was accompanied by a very tall one. He had spiky dark hair which complimented his dark grey eyes. He also had a stern look on his face, contrasting the cute and soft look on the smaller one. He also wore the same uniform, but that made sense due to his height.

"I'm Honey!" the small one bubbled, "We heard Hika-chan and Kao-chan talk about a new girl. They told us that you had to find them. But Takashi and I didn't that was fair since your new. So we decided to help." The tall one, Takashi, simply nodded.

"So you decided to help me by kidnapping me?" you said with slight confusion. What logic.

"Yup," said Takashi.

"Okay, Honey and Takashi, help me find the twins. I'm interested to win my prize," you gave out a small laugh.

"Oh! Takashi goes by Mori. What can we call you?" asked Honey.

"I'm L/N F/N. But just call me F/N."

"Okie Dokie Y/N-chan! We will lead the way." Honey bounced around the halls as you and Mori watched from behind.

You could tell that Mori and Honey were very close, in fact. You knew their story and their importance in Japan. How the Haninozuka and Morinozuka families were intertwined through servantry and martial arts. Business meant business your father would say when it came to meeting people. You told yourself not to be surprised anymore if any names from your father's work showed up at this school.

Going along elegant staircases, you were lead to a hallway with a list of quiet music rooms, stopping at one that read "Music Room 3". Honey and Mori stood behind you and motioned you to go ahead. You shrugged and pushed open the heavy pink double doors, using the gold handles that decorated it. A flash of white light and roses filled your vision and then faded away as you came face to face with a tall blonde holding a red rose in front of your face.

"Welcome pretty lady. The Host Club isn't open yet but I guess I can walk you back to the cafeteria," he flirted while taking your hand to his lips.

You pulled your hand away, "Hm, red roses? A very cheesy and cliche opening for romance." you scoffed at the stranger who was holding the flower. The tall blonde's jaw dropped and he went to sulk a corner of depression. You didn't even know the guy and he was giving you something meaningful.

"Oooooo," started Honey, "Y/N-chan is a little feisty."

"Just show me where the twins are. I want to win their game," you stated competitively.

"We are right her Y/N," the two chorused, "Now you get to play our little game."

The two grinned mischievously and put hats on, covering their parts to make it harder to differentiate them. Suddenly a soft voice from behind the twins spoke as the person emerged and came into view, "You guys. This game isn't fair, she just met you two."

It was the girl who was dressed in a boy's uniform.

"Don't worry about it Haruhi-" said who you think was Kaoru.

"-She can manage just fine." finished Hikaru, you think.

"Okay. What's the game?" you said, your stomach was grumbling and you wanted to get this over with so you can satisfy your hunger.

"All you have to do-" one started.

"-is guess-" one continued.

"-which one is Hikaru!" they finished together.

"Easy," you said with confidence, hopefully, you get this right. You pointed to the twin on the left, "You're Hikaru."

By the shocked look on the twin's face, you assumed you got it right.

"I'm impressed, no one usually gets it right on their first try," said Haruhi.

You smiled, "So, what do I get for winning this little game?"

"You get to hang with us for the rest of the day and enter our club before the doors even open!" yelled Honey. What a wonderful prize you thought sarcastically.

The tall blonde finally came out of his sulking corner, "I am Tamaki Suoh, the president of this club, I assume you know everyone at this point. So why don't you tell us about yourself."

Unconsciously, you walked around the room and fiddled with the vases of flowers, rearranging them so that they looked better as you spoke, "My name is Y/N L/N and I moved here from the United States. My family is important in the economy in America, but they wanted me to study here, in Japan. So, they flew me out here and let me apply to attend this academy."

You took a step back from the last vase you fixed and smiled at your own work. You forgot that the rest of them were paying attention to you.

"Wow! Y/N-chan has a good eye with flowers. She makes them so pretty!" Honey screamed. Mori nodded in agreement.

"Well, she does work at a flower shop." said a familiar voice out of the blue.

You spun around and locked gaze with the cool stare of steel eyes from the one and only, Kyoya Ootori.

A/N - yayy! you met everyone...what happens now? oof guess we have to wait for later chapters lol. sorry for the MAJOR lack of interaction with you and kyoya :( dont worry, there will be much of that in later chapters, so please stick around! are my chapters too long? too short? just fine? also, don't forget to vote and comment! thanks for reading~

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