29 || future moments

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He looked unreal to say the least. Even though it was just a school uniform, it was none the less, striking. His persona basked in the bright lights as he elegantly crossed the stage, your gaze following him while he received his diploma. In your seat, near the back, you fidgeted with your hands and your knees where slightly bouncing: Kyoya's graduation day. 

Once the ceremony was over, you rushed over to your boyfriend with a sad, yet proud smile. He caught you in his arms and held you tightly, "I thought you had work my love." 

You pulled away and quirked a smile up to him, "I finished early and made it just in time before Tamaki's speech." You turned to the said blonde, "Congratulations to you too, Boss." He playfully saluted you and went off to lovingly shout at Haruhi. 

"Thank you for coming today, Y/N. It truly means a lot," Kyoya leaned his forehead on yours. 

Giggling at the proximity you lightly pressed a kiss to his nose, "I wouldn't miss this. No matter how many times I've already told you, you're going to hear it again: I'm so so very proud of you, Kyoya." And then proceeded to shove a bouquet of flowers in his face. 

"W-what's this?" 

"Flowers, duh?" you smirked. "Its purple roses and yellow poppies." 

Kyoya tenderly accepted them. He tore one of the poppies off and put it in your hair. Taking a step back to admire the added accessory he gave a sad smile, "My flower, I'll miss you so much." 

Tears burned the brims of her eyes as she tried desperately to hold them in while also trying to smile, "Don't worry about me, Kyoya. You'll be in America for college and have a bright future ahead of you. I'm with you every step you take." 

"I just don't want to leave you here alone," he sighed while wiping away a tear from your cheek that managed to escape. 

"I'll be okay. It's just one year. Plus, the twins are here to watch me," you laughed as Kyoya rolled his eyes. 

He leaned down so his lips were near your ear. And in a low tone that sent shivers down your spine, he whispered, "I'll wait for you." 


It was your turn now. Over the past year, you've been working hard with the company and school and it was now your graduation day. Since you were so busy with work and Kyoya was busy with college, the two of you had little contact. But there was a mutual understanding from both sides and the two of you would call each other at least once every other week. 

Right after the ceremony, you booked a flight to America since you were accepted into the same university as Kyoya. The flight was long and boring, allowing you to sleep for most of it (reader-chan needs all the sleep they can get ^o^). Kyoya said he would be picking you up from the airport, since the two of you will be sharing a large apartment together. so once you exited the plane, you made your way to the pick up area and met eyes with ones you've fallen in love with.

"Y/N!!" Kyoya rushed up to you and pulled you into a hug. "I missed you beyond words. A year is too long."

You laughed as Kyoya released you from the hug, "It's so good to see you in person." You brought his face close to yours and pressed your lips against his.

The sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted any further moves, "This is touching and all, but I would also like to introduce myself."

You turned to the sound of a woman's voice and almost crumbled to the ground at the sight of her, immediately recognizing her from photos, "Mom?"


College was anything but tranquil, but being able to come home to Kyoya lazed at his desk as he studied for medical school was something you look forward to. Living with your boyfriend was quite easy since the two of you established an home system that was easy to navigate. 

For example, you always made breakfast (lol imagine being able to cook rip) since Kyoya struggles to wake up more than you and when he was out late working in the laboratory, you would prepare dinner. If you were out late in the library, he would order take out for the two of you, cause to be honest, your lovely boyfriend...can't cook for shit.

But the best thing about sharing an apartment with Kyoya, was him being the first and last thing you see in your days. At night, the two of you did your night routines together at like 4 in the morning because who gets sleep in college? Falling asleep in his arms was, the least to say, heavenly. His warmth spread through your body as your legs intertwined under the covers. In the morning, if you could, you would stare at his sleeping figure for hours. The golden hues of light would dance across his pale skin and his soft breathing was gentle on the nape of your neck. 

"I still can't believe you brought my mom when I first came back," you snuggled against Kyoya's chest.

"I thought it would be a nice surprise and good for you to know who will be watching over the two of us while we are here," he replied, carding his fingers through your hair. 

You sighed, knowing that he was right, "Thank you for finding her. I know you put in a lot of research and I didn't even ask for you to do so." 

"Of course, Love. I mean, I have to get her blessing in order to marry you as well." 

You hummed in response, used to the shared conversations about marriage and the future. 

"What do you dream of, Kyoya?" you asked suddenly, meeting eyes with him. 

In the dark room, the moonlight radiated onto his face and you were able to see the corner of his lips tug upwards into a kind, loving smile. He pulled you close and rested his chin on top of your head, 

"I dream of the future we'll have." 

Flower meanings: 

Purple Roses: love at first sight, adoration; purple flowers in general signify dignity, pride, and success

Yellow Poppies: wealth and success during Victorian times

a/n: new format?? idk if you guys like this formatting of the chapter, i just did it since these moments would've been too short to be their own individual chapters. anyways, i hope you enjoyed reading and don't forget to vote and comment! and as i mentioned from the previous chapter i shall do a face reveal...*nervous laughter*: 

*nervous laughter*: 

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soooooo....yeah that's me HAHA --> not expecting that huh? lol MOVING ON....i hope my readers are doing well and don't cry when this book ends because that'll make me sad. see ya in the next chapter~ <3! 

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