9 || dancing queen

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There was the faintest of ringing in your ears and the aftertaste of the drink you just chugged left a bitter sensation on the tongue. You finally reached the classroom you were told to be in and saw all the other host club members except for Tamaki. 

"Look who finally decided to show up," the Hitachiins chorused. 

You rolled your eyes, "What did I miss?"

"At the moment, Haruhi is getting dressed so you can help by getting her makeup done with the twins," answered Kyoya, "After that, she will go to Sazushima and pretend to confess her love so he can man up and realize that Kanako is in his life."

Haruhi walked out of the changing room wearing a pink dress with matching shoes and a purse. She wore a wig that made it look like she had long hair and bangs. 

"Alrighty, let's get to work. We don't have too much time on our hands," you said pushing Haruhi to the vanity to get her makeup done. 

Once you finished, Tamaki burst through the doors, "Gentleman, what are you doing? The guests are waiting for-"

He looked at Haruhi and never finished his sentence. There was a string of compliments given to Haruhi, she looked like a little doll as she awkwardly walked out of the room, clearly not used to wearing heels. And now...we wait. 

The members were returning to the party while Tamaki stayed behind to talk with Kanako, who was wandering the corridors. Kyoya approached your side once the group was in the grand hall. However, you felt a headache coming along, but you pushed that feeling aside, not wanting to disturb anyone's night. 

"While we wait for the situation with Kanako to be resolved," started Kyoya, "Would you like to share a dance with me?" he held out his hand. 

"I thought you'd never ask," you gave a charming laugh that made Kyoya feel exhilarated as you took his hand and gleefully led the two of you to the dance floor. 

The two of you swayed to the music gently and it felt like nothing else mattered in the world. It's that sensation that made it feel like it was just the two of you. It's that sensation when you meet the one that changes the way your heart beats, you dance with them to that rhythm for as long as the song lasts. The corners of his lips were tugged up to form a soft, content smile and yours did the same when the light from the chandeliers created a small silver flicker that came from the accessory on his neck. 

"I never got the chance to say it earlier," Kyoya began, "But you look very stunning tonight, Miss Y/N. Even more beautiful than a fully bloomed amaryllis."

"Looks like someone has been studying their flowers," you laughed as you saw the tips of his ears go red, "Well, in that case, you are even more handsome than lavender roses." 

"Whatever you say my dancing queen." 

As the song finished, it was now time to go to the patio outside to watch the last dance of the night. Kyoya linked arms with you as you walked out to the patio and joined the other hosts. Just as on cue, Kanako and Sazushima were in the expected spots and three spotlights hit the two on the dance floor below. 

"Ladies and gentleman, it is now time for us to begin the final dance of this evening's festivities. The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the host club for this couple," Tamaki announced and gestured to the couple in the spotlights. 

The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, just as everyone had hoped. Petals scattered the atmosphere as they were blown off the trees in the faintest breeze in the refreshing night air. They danced around and fluttered to the floor, creating a surreal scene for everyone's eyes. You leaned your head in slight pain on Kyoya's shoulder as everyone witnessed Sazushima bow down and ask Kanako to dance. She gladly accepted. Everyone smiled contently in accomplishment while the twins ate bananas. 

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