25 || stirrings about

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The soft noises of whispering filled your ears as you began to stir eyes closed, squirming closer to the heat source wrapped around you.

"Look, you woke them up."

"Well it's not my fault our Boss tried to take a photo of the sleeping devil couple."

"Maybe we should've brought cake."

"No, Mitsukuni."

You groaned and pulled the covers over your head while Tamaki rambled about learning about commoner's culture, once more. 

"Let's go! Let's go! Doesn't it sound fun for our project Kyoya and Y/N?" Tamaki continued. 

You felt Kyoya grumble and turn to his side to face the group of host club members. 

The twins, Tamaki, and Honey jumped onto the bed and started rolling the two of you around, "Get up! Don't sleep in on the last day of summer vacation!" (bRUh i'd sleep for eternity if i could lmao) 

You sat up with Kyoya and rested your head on his shoulder, keeping your eyes closed. Kyoya's bangs fell over his forehead and you could feel the scary aura surrounding the room. In a low and raspy voice he said, "We didn't go to bed until 5 in the morning. And who gave you permission to come in here anyways?" 

You yawned and slowly opened your eyes to see the twins wearing a shit eating grin on their faces. "What is it?" you asked in an annoyed tone. 

"Up until 5 in the morning eh?" Hikaru edged on. 

"I could only imagine what things you two would be doing to stay up all night," Kaoru said. 

Shoving the twin's faces away from yours with a blush on your face, you replied, "Kyoya and I were not having sex if that's what you were thinking." 

"We were up doing last minute work for the club and the company. And even if we were having sex, we wouldn't tell you," Kyoya said with a tone of agitation in his voice. "If you want to go to the exhibit, then suit yourselves." He then proceeded to flop back down, pulling you with him. 

All of a sudden, the host members pounced to you two blabbering about getting permission and ready to leave. You and Kyoya were to tired to argue so you just let whatever happen. 

A few hours later you found yourself at the commoner's department store, sitting on a bench with Kyoya, alone, with not a single other host club member in sight. You turned to face Kyoya who had a blank look on his face. 

"Apparently we are at the Izumi shopping center," you stood up and glanced down to your boyfriend. "It's too far from home to walk so maybe call a car to take you home." 

"What about you?" he said while standing up with you. 

"I'd like to check some stuff out to see why this is such a big deal. Plus, I have been warned that there are vendors here who like to sell fake products from companies like ours," you reasoned. 

Kyoya nodded and checked his pockets frantically. 

You sweatdropped, "You don't have your wallet or cell phone, do you?" He shook his head and you rolled your eyes, grumbling, "I don't have mine either." 

You heard Kyoya's stomach growl. Holding in a laugh you patted his shoulder, "Let's go find something to eat before we kill Tamaki." 

The two of you stared a little longer at the itinerary on the wall until your names were called. Haruhi approached the two of you asking what you were doing here. 

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