10 || falling through

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The sunlight broke through the window and made its way to your face. It created a warm sensation that filled your body, shortly followed by pain. Your eyes opened and you stared at the ceiling. There is a dull, nagging feeling of pain around your head. It almost felt constricting. Sitting up, you swung your legs around to have your feet touch the cold floor. Beginning your walk out of the room, you tripped. Not on a rug or your own feet; you tripped on Kyoya Ootori and your body met the floor. You hissed in pain and the nagging in your head increased. You turned your attention to the sleeping figure on the floor and your brain tried to wrap itself around to how you got in this situation. Then you remembered the party, the drink, the dance, and then you fell asleep on his shoulder. It all clicked together, Kyoya was kind enough to take you home. Why he stayed? That's something to ask when you attempt to wake him up. 

You sat on your knees, peering at the sleeping Kyoya. Reaching towards his body, you gave it a light shake and whispered, "Kyoya, Wake up."

He didn't budge.  

"Kyoyaaaaa. It's noon. Time to get up." you said a little louder. You couldn't believe half the day was gone already. 

He began to stir a bit. 

"Get your lazy ass up before I get the frying pans." 

And on that note, his arm moved around your body and he pulled your figure to lay on the floor next to him and he muttered, "Hypotension...Ten more minutes."

That's it. I'm going to be stuck here for eternity. There is no hope in getting this boy to wake up. 

The position you two were in didn't help either. Your bodies were facing each other and he held you close to his chest. It gave a feeling of comfort and warmth. The calm of his heartbeat, a lullaby, made sleepiness glaze over your eyelids. No, don't fall asleep. 

"As much as I would like to sleep in, I have work today, Kyoya." you sighed. 

"No, you don't," he said with his eyes still closed in denial, "Call in sick, you are not in good condition and I believe you still have a headache." 

"I can't," you pushed his arm off you and you sat up, "I have to work today."

He finally sat up with messy hair and locked a tired gaze with you, "Then let me go with you. There is no way I can let you work by yourself in this condition. Plus, I need a flower arrangement."

"Fine." you stood up and walked to the restroom to fix your appearance. 

Makeup from last night was smudged on your face and you noticed you were still in your outfit. It was uncomfortable. However, you were glad that it was the weekend. Once you fixed up, you went back to your room and found Kyoya typing away on his computer. 

"There is no way you are going to the shop in that," you chuckled since he was also still in his attire from last night.

"Well, would you rather have me go naked?" he smirked. 

"That would be wonderful," you said sarcastically. 

"Okay," he shrugged and started taking his shirt off as if he didn't understand sarcasm.  


You ran out of the room with a red face while the smirk on his face lingered. Going to your father's old room, you looked for clothes that were left behind. Searching in the closet, you found mainly business attire. Until you found something that suited Kyoya's style. This should work. 

You went back to your room and saw Kyoya staring at the clothes in your closet. 

You coughed and got his attention, "Here, wear these." you tossed the outfit to him. 

"Thank you. I suggest you wear this," he said and handed you items from your closet and then went to the restroom to change. 

While he was in the restroom, you changed into the outfit he gave you. You looked at your reflection in the mirror and was surprised. You actually looked pretty good. Kyoya has a keen eye in fashion. 

The shop wasn't too busy today and Kyoya just sat at the table in the shop while you were arranging in the back. A man had come in for a bouquet of white tulips. You asked for the occasion in hopes of it being a wedding. It turned out to be an asking of forgiveness. At times like these, it felt like you were more of a therapist than just a silly girl who worked at a flower shop. 

Kyoya noticed that too and realized how good you were with people. He scribbled something into his notebook. He got up from the table and exited the shop suddenly, but you couldn't follow since another person had walked in, requesting a bouquet of white chrysanthemums and red spider lilies in a wreath. Funeral flowers. Not much is needed to be asked. Once that person left, Kyoya walked back into the heavy atmosphere of the shop. In his hands were two coffee cups. 

"You seemed a little underwhelmed," he handed you the coffee cup. 

"Just a little due to all these sad bouquets to make," you sighed, looked at the order slips you wrote out and took a sip of the drink Kyoya got you. 

"Well, not to add to the headache you are keeping quiet about," Kyoya rubbed the back of his neck and smiled softly, "But I also need a bouquet of flowers." 

"That's fine. What can I arrange for you?" you returned a tired smile. 

"I need an arrangement of red camellias, lavender hydrangeas, and a few strands of baby's breath." 

This arrangement of flowers claims one word; love. 

You faked a smile, "Wow, that's one heck of a bouquet. Whoever is receiving this must be really lucky." 

"Yeah. Can you also write a note with it? I would stay but I forgot that my father needs me to be at home soon. You know-"

"Business means business," you stopped his sentence with the fake smile still plastered on your face. 

He genuinely smiled, happy that you could take the words out of his mouth, "Just write this and slip it into the bouquet," he placed down a piece of paper with so many words, "I'll come by tomorrow to pick them up. You work tomorrow, right?" 

You nod and checked the time...4:01 pm.

"Good. See you tomorrow Miss Y/N and I'll pay you then," he walked out of the shop. There is no need to pay. 

love is free

so fall,  

fall freely 

fall freely into me 

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