6 || giving roses

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I heard her soft voice from the other side of the room. It was captivating. Bringing me away from my calculations for the club's budget in my (iconic) black notebook. I felt my eyes continuously wander towards her, the way she gingerly touched the flowers in each vase, making each arrangement simply beautiful. The others were in shock of her simple yet wonderful talent. 

"Well, she does work at a flower shop," I remarked. She spun around and locked gaze with me. Her bright y/e/c  made my heart jump a bit. Keep it cool, Kyoya.  

"K-kyoya?" she stuttered, "Y-you go to school here?" 

I nodded simply and gave a grin as I pushed up my glasses. I knew she would be attending this school, her name tag at the shop gave it away. The one and only Y/N  L/N  has shown up at Ouran Academy. 

"Lunch will be over soon, Y/N. I assume you are in the same class as the twins. They will take you there. Also, come to visit us here after school. That is, unless, you're working today." I suggested. 

She smiled gently, "I do have to work today but I guess a small visit won't hurt." 

The bell rang and the twins escorted Y/N out the door. Haruhi showed up by my side, "Senpai, why do you want Y/N to come over? Is there anything your family or yourself will benefit from her?" 

"Haruhi, that girl, is someone I will not benefit from. She is someone I will cherish no matter what I lose or gain from it."  I said as I watched the silver bracelet dangle from Y/N's wrist. 

Time Skip to after school ~ Still in Kyoya's POV ;)

I sat at my desk in the far corner of the music room, waiting till guests will start showing up. I check the time. 

2:54 pm...six minutes till we open and start. 

The rest of the host club members were setting up the room. I was calculating the cost for Tamaki's request of a giant chocolate fountain to have for the club on a daily basis. For that to happen, someone's request rate has to go up by 5% or we need to start selling something new. 

"Kyoya! Get in positions! We are opening in a minute!" yelled a hyper Tamaki. 

I walked over and stood behind the chair and posed. Being Vice President is exhausting but there are its reasons. The Ouran Host Club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands, as Tamaki would say. 

Our firsts guest began filling the room and couches, waiting in line until their requested person will give their undivided attention. I went back to my desk for more planning. 

The twins are off to their twincest acts, Honey and Mori are off to their cute act, Tamaki is off being the king of flirting, and Haruhi is off being the natural. 

Glancing away from my work, my attention turns to the commotion at the door. Of course. There stood an untidy Y/N. Her hair was a little messed up and her dress didn't look as smoothened out as before. Her chest heaved up and down as she slumped down to a sitting position with her back against the door. Walking up to her, guys shouting was audible outside the double doors. I chuckled, gaining her attention with her tired eyes peering up at me, asking for help. I lent out a hand and pulled her up to standing. Pink dusted her cheeks as her eyes looked at the people behind us. 

"They are staring at us," she whispered. 

"Don't worry about that. I'll give you a little tour of the club." I responded and started walking as she followed next to my shoulder. Luckily, I had no requests for today. 

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