22 || sincerely yours

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"Miss Y/N," a voice called out to you. 

Smiling at the familiar voice, you turned to the door of the flower shop, "How can I help you, Kyoya?" 

"As you know, the club is having an event and we need your skills, per usual," he pulled out his black notebook and placed it in front of you. 

"Hydrangeas? Luckily around this time, they bloom the brightest," you gestured Kyoya to follow you to the back of the shop and showed him the multiple buckets filled with the requested flower. 

He groaned, "You already knew. Didn't you." 

"I had a feeling the club would do something that required this flower. Kyoya, you may be difficult to read for others, but to me, you're an open book." 

You and Kyoya gave each other a knowing look with the implicit feelings wavering through the atmosphere surrounding you both. It was finally safe to call each other 'yours'. 

The next day during the event, purple and blue hues were scattered everywhere in the garden. The hydrangeas added a soothing, heartfelt component to the scenery and complimented the rushing flow of the small creek underneath the bridges. 

Peaceful, you thought as you enjoyed the view. 

Or so you thought. The atmosphere was completely disrupted by the sound of shouting and glass breaking. Tamaki stupidly and talented, kicked a ball so hard that it flew through the window of the newspaper club. 

You smacked the blonde upside the head with a sly grin, "Let's go apologize. Shall we?" 

Tamaki whined and pouted but obliged to what you said while the rest of the club closed its activities and followed. Upon arrival of the newspaper club room, you saw piles and piles of unsold newspapers collected dust around the room. 

The guilty president bowed his head, repeatedly apologizing to the third year president, Akira Komatsuzawa. He was taking this surprisingly well, however, he did give off a suspicious aura. You turned to Kyoya and met eyes with him. He pushed his glasses up, giving a slight nod, indicating that he was thinking the same thing. 

"This is kind of working out perfectly, I wanted to approach your club about a  story," Akira rests his head in his hands. 

Haruhi brushes through a few papers collecting on the floor, "I didn't know we had a newspaper club." 

Hikaru and Kaoru hold up flashy covers of the paper, "It's more gossip rag than newspaper-" 

"-Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love, family power struggles, and junk like that," Kaoru said.

"It's just lame gossip that specializes in stirring up drama," Hikaru followed. 

You grinned, "I guess everyone knows they're lies since they don't read it anymore. Your sales are dropping. Yes?" 

"You know, I guess we have kind of lost sight of the truth because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers," Akira's smug looked dropped. "It's a shame we're just now realizing our error, now that the paper is at risk."

You narrowed your eyes at this act, but Tamaki seemed to be fulling drawn in as the newspaper club president continued, "We've finally realized what we should have been reporting to the students of Ouran. Help us, please. For our last paper of this semester we'd like to do an up-close special edition, revealing the chars of Ouran's Host Club members. Without your help, our club will close." 

Ah, the pity card. That won't work on-

"You can count on us." 

WHAT?!   You glared at Tamaki in disbelief. 

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