11 || blooming day

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A/N: there's the song^^ its one of my fav and the lyrics are rlly cute :) also this chapter title reminds me of exo-cbx (yeaaaaa, i'm an exo-l)  anywhoooo, enjoy the chapter! 

The next day, you dread going to work for the first time. Biking there, your mind kept thinking about Kyoya's request. Maybe it was just a tester for new decorations for the club. Then what's with the letter? Maybe he still had feelings for the girl who received the first bouquet you arranged for him. Either way, it fostered a small sinking of your heart. 

Arriving at work at noon, it ended one of your co-workers shift and it was now your turn to care for the shop. They had already taken a few orders but didn't do any of the orders from yesterday. Usually arranging was your job since customers usually preferred your arrangements, each florist is an individual like how each flower is never identical to another. The man who ordered the white lilies came in and was pleased with the outcome. There was hope in his eyes. The person who ordered the funeral wreath came in as well. Sorrow filled their eyes but they were a little brighter after seeing the wreath. 

You sighed and sat at the table as Kyoya's word filled paper and order slip stared at you. Reluctantly, you got a nice sheet of paper and began writing each word carefully. The words didn't form a letter format.  In fact, sometimes, they didn't even form complete sentences. But then you realized that Kyoya didn't want it to be in letter format. He intended to have it be a bunch of random thoughts about this person. 

for the first time, i see an image of my brokenness utterly worthy of love. and leave my failures on display worthy of love. 

i just want to love you and i just want to learn how to somehow be loved myself. 

i want to build you up 'til you're good as new, and maybe one day i'll get around to fixing myself too. 

i will love you without any strings attached. what a privilege it is to love, a great honor to hold you up. 

no, i don't want to talk about myself, tell me where it hurts. 

afraid to be loved they way i really want to be loved, afraid that the real feeling hurts. 

as a white flag waves in the darkness between my head and my heart and so my armor falls apart. 

when the evening pulls the sun down and the day is almost through. oh, the whole world is sleeping but my world is you. 

shall i write it in a lettter? shall i try to get it down? oh you fill my head with pieces of a song i can't get out. 

her smile is what gets to you. oh god! that smile. she smiled understandingly-much more than understandingly. it was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across three or four times in life. it faced the whole external world for an instant and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that you hoped to convey. 

and when she spoke! oh my, there is nothing sweeter. the exhilarating ripple of her voice was a wild tonic in the rain. i had to follow the sound of it for a moment, up and down, with my ear alone, before any words came through. 

i was consumed with wonder at her presence. and when she laughed, ha! that was the only thing that could be sweeter than her voice. it made me turn to her with a rush of emotion. it's fluctuating, feverish warmth held me in because it couldn't be over-dreamed. It was a deathless song. 

As you wrote down the words, you couldn't help but feel the slow deterioration of the bubbling feeling inside that made you smile. It crumbled steadily with each word you wrote onto the paper that was almost tear stained upon reading such beautiful structures. 

Once the last thing was written down, you stood up from the table and had to take a step back, taking you out of the solemn state the words had set you in. You went to the cash register counter and pulled out a small speaker and played Bloom by The Paper Kites (this chapter was inspired by the song lol). You hummed a few lyrics here and there as you were choosing the nicest of the flower selection Kyoya had asked for. 

in the morning when i wake, and the sun is coming through, 

oh, you fill my lungs with sweetness,

and you fill my head with you. 

can i be close to you? 

This part of the song rang inside your head while you were trimming the stems and tying the flowers together. As the song ended, so did the arranging of the bouquet. And just as if on cue, the entrance bells rang and Kyoya walked in. Shortly followed by Haru, who was holding hot chocolate. 

"Hello Y/N!" shouted Haru gleefully as he took a seat at the table and sipped his hot chocolate. 

"Hi, Haru. I hope things went well with Mika." you gently smiled. 

"Oh yes, it did go very good. She was smiling a lot and kept one rose as a bookmark." he showed a gummy smile and you gave out a light giggle. 

Then, you turned your attention to Kyoya, "The flowers you asked for are ready."

"Brilliant," he beamed. 

And you went to the back to grab the flowers. When you returned, you noticed Kyoya's eyes widen behind the flashy glasses. 

"Do you not like them?" you asked, hopeful that it was sufficient for whoever has his heart and handed the bundle to him. 

"As long as you like them, they are perfect" he scratched the back of his head.

You took a step back, "I'm sorry, what?" 

Kyoya opened his mouth to talk but Haru interrupted, "CAN'T YOU SEE MISS Y/N?! MY BROTHER HAS A CRUSH ON YOU! YOU SHOULD'VE SEEN HIM IN THE CAR. HE WAS A WRECK!" 

"Haru!" Kyoya barked, narrowing his eyes at his younger sibling. 

"What?" Haru said innocently and then took a sip of hot chocolate while his feet dangled above the ground in his seat. 

"I'm sorry. But I'm confused." you pressed your lips into a line as your gaze shifted everywhere downwards. 

"Well, I'm not the best with words, you know. I'm more of the number crunching, calculations-solve-everything- type of guy. But anyways,  

I wasn't looking for anything when I found you and it somehow made me question what I wanted, was I ready for love? I don't think anyone is ever ready, but when someone makes you feel alive again it's kind of worth the risk. I want cups of coffee and music in the morning, I want barefooted dancing and weekend adventures, I want lingering kisses and starry nights. But most of all, I want you. Oh, I want you.

Every day, I sprout up at the thought of you. Small emotions started to bud. Suddenly, deep inside of me, you started to grow. Just looking at you is not enough. You bloomed inside my heart."  

"I-I don't understand." you took a step back. 

"I'm simply in love with you."  

A/N: ta-da!! so there's that chapter, i hope you liked it ^U^ some of the things written in the letter are song lyrics, don't be afraid to ask where i got them from :] also, thanks for sticking around and reading this book! hope you enjoy the more that come~ 

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