17 || the sea

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"Wait, so where am I meeting you again?" you asked over the phone.

"Okinawa Beach," responded Kyoya, who was on the other end of the call. 

"I forgot your family owned a private beach there. I'll meet you and the club there after my morning shift is done." 

"See you soon, Y/N," said Kyoya and then he hung up. 

You set the phone down in its place and stared out the window of the flower shop. It was a boring day today, no one had come in yet and all the orders had already been made and picked up. There was only a silence that hung in the air to accompany you. 

It made peace with you as you busied yourself with some basic tasks of caring for the snapdragons, monkshoods, and pink larkspurs. While occupying yourself with the mindless tasks, you thought about the set future waiting for you. Of course, you wanted to be the best daughter you could be. Of course, you wanted to make your father proud. But at what point does it interfere with your happiness? At what point are you allowed to draw the perfectly crooked line to go outside of your blueprinted life? 

Physically shaking your head, you thought it would allow the saddening thoughts to leave your head, but that was wrong. It only made you think about Kyoya. He would be devastated if he knew you were in an arranged marriage. He even said himself that he thought our parents would surely put the two of you together. I guess that is where he is wrong. The Kyoya Ootori is wrong for once. 

Time Skip to the Beach!

The sand was hot as you stood on the small grains and the smell of salty air fills your nose. Sounds of the waves lapping along the shore complimented the screeching of seagulls that sailed in the sky among the clouds. The water glistened and seemed crystal clear. It was nostalgic. 

You smiled at the sight before you. The twins were at it with a good game of beach volleyball, Tamaki was busy flirting on a rock looking out to the sea, Mori and Hunny were searching for shells, Kyoya was managing the line of girls to spend time with Tamaki, and Haruhi was sulking in the shade of an umbrella. 

You adjusted the beach bag over your shoulder and walked closer to the towel Haruhi was sitting on. 

"Why are we conducting Host Club activities here at the beach? I thought going to the beach meant a day off," Haruhi pouted, talking to herself. 

"It's nice to carry out some activities outdoors instead of being cooped inside that room all the time," you smiled down at Haruhi, placing your bag down next to her and then taking a seat. 

"Y/N!" Haruhi panicked, "I didn't see you there!" She eyed you up and down, "You look...well, let's just say Kyoya is going to be happy." 

You pulled a towel over your body and nervously laughed, "Uh...yeah."

"Haruhi-kun, aren't you going to go swimming with us?" a girl's voice asked from behind. 

You and Haruhi turned around and saw three girls jittering with eagerness. 

"Oh-uh...I like looking at the sea...from a safe distance," said Haruhi. 

Another girl spoke, "Well, if you're not going to swim would you mind if we sat here and talked with you?" 

Haruhi's charm flickered on, "Why? You girls should go swim. You've got cute swimsuits on, why not show them off?"

The three of them swooned and all you could do was smirk as they ran off. 

You playfully nudged Haruhi, "You're a natural."

She sighed and huffed out, "That was a close one." 

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