14 || whatta bombshell

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Saturday's date had to be rescheduled due to Renge's appearance, so it was now another Saturday, and luckily, there was no work that day. You were a little nervous. But at the same time curious about what was going to happen and how it would turn out. Like who would've thought the teens of the two high end, well-known companies of Japan and America would go on a date. 

Kyoya told you to be ready by 4:30 and to be in casual-dressy attire. You finished getting ready and with Kyoya's somewhat perfect timing, there was a soft knocking on the door. Rushing down the stairs with heels (or whatever shoes you want ^u^) in hand, you ran into the door with too much momentum. Fixing yourself up from the small interruption, you opened the door and came to a wonderful view of a well dressed Kyoya. 

"You...have a nice face," you tried complimenting as you stepped out of your mansion and locked the door. 

"Yes. Yes, I do," said Kyoya with confidence, adjusting his glasses. "You look very nice, as well." 

"I mean...a nice face. You have a nice face," you said as words kept falling out involuntarily. 

Kyoya's eyebrows cinched together, "Thanks...I think?"

You held your head down, "Oh my gosh. Please accept my awkward attempts of flirting or I don't know what I am doing." 

He chuckled and gestured you to follow him to the limo, "Well, at least I don't have to worry about you trying to flirt with other men." 

During the drive, the two of you came to a mutual agreement not to tell anyone about this event. There was an understanding of wanting to keep this low due to how reporters enjoy mustering up this for the wealthy by spreading rumors. It is hard to tell when they are around, it's like being wealthy and part of high-end companies is like being a celebrity. Thus, making it difficult to enjoy yourself in public sometimes. Luckily, there hasn't been any following on you arriving in Japan since you got here. 

The limo came to a stop and you looked out the window. You were stopped at a red light in the middle of a bustling street. There were people walking everywhere and bright lights shown throughout the sky, illuminating your face in the dark atmosphere. Kyoya smiled, seeing that you were entertained. He hit a button on a remote and sunroof of the limo slid open. You glanced at him and he nodded as if the two of you could communicate without speaking, he understood clearly just by looking at the curiosity in your eyes. You stood up and peaked your head through. 

"Go ahead," urged Kyoya. "Stand all the way up. Reporters won't be able to tell it's us."  

As you were beginning to stand up, the light turned green and the limo jolted forward, causing you to lose your balance. To your luck, Kyoya was quick enough to grab your waist and hold you steady as you stood all the way. You looked down at him and gave him an apologetic smile. Since there was room for multiple people to enjoy the sunroof, Kyoya stood with you. He held one arm around your waist as you had both arms in the air. It was refreshing to feel the wind in your face. The scenery around you was so intriguing. The stacked light panels of advertisements of modern companies and brands, the sound of music at every corner, the people crossing and talking whenever they please, and even seeing a store with your father's company's latest laptop model. It was all astonishing. And Kyoya loved every second of it as he watched your face light up, he might even say brighter than the advertisements. 

Finally, the limo reached the destination as it stopped in front of a very tall and modern building, that was covered in glass windows. Being the gentleman he is, Kyoya held the door open for you and held your hand as you stepped out of the limo. Kyoya then led you inside the building, to the elevators. From there, it was to the top floor. Apparently, the top floor was a skyline view of the city as it allows you to enjoy a costly dinner. 

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