30 || making history

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a/n: this song guts me in every way possible and idk why but listen to it lmao. okay! happy reading :,D

The atmosphere inside the building was a silent rumble. You stared out the large glass panels that made up this building that still smelled of fresh paint and new lounge furniture. You shakily inhaled and exhaled to calm your nerves as the crowd outside the building was restless, waiting to get their next big headliner.

You felt a warming presence by your side and looked to your right. With a confident smile, Kyoya looked down to you. The two of you were older now, no longer kids of some company owners or high school lovers. The two of you shared the future; a dream come true. You looked at the handsome man beside you and silently admired the features he grew into, as he did the same to you. 

You are unstoppable. 


With a curt nod, he took your hand and the two of you took a breath together before pushing the glass double doors open to greet the audience. Cameras were immediately flashing right and left to get a picture of the two of you and Kyoya held your hand even tighter. 

You set my heart on fire. 

You raised your other hand and the audience immediately settled down. Reporters held out recording devices, anxious to hear your voice that had gotten the reputation of being enthralling and delicate. 

"Thank you all for being here today for the grand opening of our new corporate building," you smiled. 

"It is an honor to have your support for the new branch of our joined companies where we explore new technological advancements for medicine," Kyoya added. 

Don't stop us now. 

As the two of you stepped forward, the ring on your left hand glistened in the sunlight. You felt your heart racing in excitement and pride. Your body was buzzing with energy and it felt almost unreal. You and Kyoya were grand, nothing more and nothing less. With shoulders pressed down and back, you held your chin high as warmth spread across your chest. You were flooded with emotions and couldn't contain your smile. 

Taking the large pair of scissors handed to you, you walked to the red ribbon that separated you and the crowd. You held the scissors to the ribbon, but hesitated, until Kyoya placed his hand on your shoulder, reassuring you. Inhaling, you opened the scissors and on your exhale, the audience silently watched at the scissors closed and sliced the ribbon into two pieces and gracefully fell at your feet.

The moment of truth.

Large cheering erupted and laughter bubbled from your chest as you turned to Kyoya. In pure happiness, you grabbed both sides of his face and briefly kissed him before waving towards the crowd, who was snapping photos rapidly.

As people filed into the new building to admire and observe both of your hard work of the past year, fellow company leaders you went to school with and reporters were free to approach you two and ask questions. 

"What is your goal with this new facility?" 

"Our goal is to promote research for advancements in technology to help those in need of the medical assistance," you explained. "This includes designing prosthetic work that is available to all kinds of people and new developments for different equipment to scan the body." 

"What are your next steps for the future, personal and corporate wise?" 

"Y/N and I are planning to open another facility that includes laboratories open to researchers and students with the best equipment to carry out their studies," Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "We are also hoping to start a family in the near future, depending on how business goes." 

"The two of you were high school lovers. How did the two of you know that this lifestyle would fit for the two of you?" 

"Well, you do what you love and love what you do. I am lucky to have Kyoya by my side as a husband and colleague who shares the same passions as I do."

"It is an honor and privilege to work alongside Y/N. I would give so much to share this platform with her," Kyoya added. 

The man next to you watched in awe as you enjoyed yourself in this new light. He had seen you at your worst and your best, and in this moment, you were at your highest. It was no accident that the two of you were able to meet again and who would've thought that the small spontaneous girl he met when he was five years old would grow old with him as his wife and partner in crime. Kyoya believed that one day you will look back and realize that you were blooming all along.


Years later, the sound of bubbling laughter and scattering footsteps filled the hallway outside of your work office. The door slammed open, causing you to immediately stop typing and turn your attention to your daughter, who was panting and out of breath.

"Hanako! Is everything okay?" you walked up to the six year old.

"Hi mother!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around your neck. "Uncle Tamaki and I were playing tag."

You made a mental note to scold Tamaki for playing games with your daughter while at work and then placed a tender kiss on her forehead, "Is that so? What would your father say about that?"

Hanako snickered, "He doesn't have to know! It'll be our secret."

"What secret?" a voice called from your office door. Kyoya stood there leaning against the door frame with a grin on his face.

"Nothing!" the raven haired girl cheered and immediately changed the topic. "Guess what Uncle Mori and Uncle Honey showed me the other day?"

You hummed in response, signalling the girl to continue.

"They showed me the multiple newspapers the two of you were on the cover of!" She smiled in awe as Kyoya went to fix her hair that was unruly from running around.

"Is that so?" Kyoya asked curiously.

"Yup! My teacher at school even said that my parents are like celebrities. It's like the two of you were born to make history!" Hanako laughed. 

Little did your daughter know, but those words struck your heart. You carried her into your arms and sat down as Kyoya placed a comforting hand on her head.

"Yes, we were born to make history."

a/n: holy...okay i lied, im most definitely crying lol. i hope you enjoyed the final chapter of this book! thank you all for reading and joining me on this wild adventure/journey. it truly means a lot that there are people who read my writing and the connections i've made on this platform warm my heart. remember reader-chan, this isn't goodbye, it's until next time~ 

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