Champagne & Sex Don't Mix..

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Amanda's pov:

*phone call*

"you can't do this Dan, I am 6 months pregnant and you want me to get a DNA test so you can prove you did a stupid thing that night too"

"no I don't want DNA test to prove I'm not the father, I want one to sue you for custody and make you pay for walking out on me"

"w-w-walking out, we had sex 6 months ago and it was because I didn't say no to you from filling up my champagne glass"

"I want that DNA test and I will get it"

"I'm not giving you one, you can't make me and I'm not losing the baby just so you can have your lawyers involved"

"fuck you Amanda and I want that test done, you have 3 months until I get it... That child belongs with me"

"with you, who is on tour everyday single day of the year, yeah I don't believe that..."

"I'll get a nanny and plus my family will help raise him or her"

"heh, if you want children so bad why don't you get to it and fuck some random chick and leave me alone"

"fuck you, you know why I am pissed off with you for the last 6 months"

"I left that night because I thought about letting you down easy but you are just a douchebag"

"when that baby is born he or she will be with me, plus you don't have a job at the moment do you.....?


"thought so, goodbye Amanda"

I hung up the call and cried while rubbing my swollen stomach that is now a house to a kid in a jumping castle. I was so ashamed of Daniel Smith and I wished I never met him...

*flash back*

My name is Amanda i am 28, I have been working at virgin records for over 3 years and I was the one who got Bastille signed. I hassled my boss for 6 months to hear them and sign them, it wasn't until my boss saw them playing under a bridge one day that she signed them. I was so happy because I took a chance on them and they were like my babies. Will is my best friend I've known him since I was 5 he's been like a big brother to me.

It was on the Christmas party where I met Daniel Smith from Bastille he was a charmer and boy I fell for it..

We were in the middle of the Christmas party when Dan came over to me, he was drunk and so was I.

I headed over to him and grabbed his arm and we danced to some really bad Christmas songs and well it was nice. If you have been as drunk as me you would know that we couldn't dance to save our lives. Dan had his arms around my waist and I had my arms around his neck, he was so sweet. I don't know if it was the alcohol or him being just nice to me but I felt like I had a connection with him and it made me feel like I was the only one who saw his true side...

"hey let's go and find a quiet rooom"

I nodded and we headed to a supply room, Dan and I sat down on some bubble wrap that he made into a seat. We had a bottle of wine and talked for hours. I was drunk and I think he was too because he kept going on about how he will be working at McDonald's in a few days time. I laughed and it was like something you saw in a movie, after we spoke I rested my head on his shoulder and we sat like this. I tried to get the time from my phone but I couldn't make out what it was so I just thought, fuck it...

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