When All Of Our Friends Are Dead.

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Dan's POV:

It had been 6hrs since I came to the hospital my parents had Bethany and I was waiting for Amanda to wake up, they said she had bleeding on the brain and that she broke her legs and her right lung collapsed. She was hooked up to tubes and wires and it was scary. I was waiting for her to wake up and hope she was going to get better. She needs to be here for Bethany and me even thought I fucked up she needs to be with us. I put my head in my hands and cared if I didn't let her drive off she would be yelling at me and I would of been happy with that. She is amazing mother and now I don't know what to do without her..

It was now 12 hours after she had her accident and she still hadn't woken up. I was getting a coffee when will came in and saw me, "hey will"

He just looked at me and I thought ok maybe he's angry I hadn't told them why she crashed but they need to know the truth and I can't go on lying to them about it..

Will walked into her room and I sat down he was still angry for some reason and I had to ask...

"what's going on Will?"

"you know you caused this Dan and I know you fucked up"

"I did and I am sorry"

"if you were you wouldn't of done it in the first place"

"what do you want me to do?"


I was shocked but I knew it was coming and seeing will angry made me even more worse about what I had done. I left the hospital room and went back to my parents home, I wanted to see Bethany and we'll I wasn't going to see Amanda again..

When I got to my parents house I saw Bethany playing in her playpen, I packed her stuff up and kissed my mum and said goodbye to them and left with Bethany. I called the girl from the week I slept with and she picked me up, she was really nice she came and took me home. She like Bethany and Bethany liked her too.

Once I got inside of my flat I put some stuff of Amanda's in a box and hoped when she wakes up she can find her stuff I was hurt and probably not thinking straight but I knew that once she wakes up we are over and she will have to fight me for Bethany...

Sorry this is short I didnt know what to write and so I am going to jump a few months and maybe the next chapter will be better.. Who knows haha, ok I'm shutting up now..

Love Kristy xoxo

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