You Weren't Here When I Needed You..

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I was 13 weeks along when i thought I lost the baby, I woke up one night feeling something wet in my sheets, I turned my lights on and saw I was bleeding I panicked and got really scared. I called Wills number and he didn't answer so I tried Kyle and Woody.. I waited and no one was answering so I tried Dan I didn't want to but I had no choice. I called his number and he answered...

*phone call*

*sleepy voice*


"Dan it's me Amanda, can you come over something is wrong"

"w-w-what Amanda why are you... Wait what I can't hear you calm down"

"come quick please something is wrong and I need you"

"ugh fine ill be over soon just hold on"

*end of phone call*

I got off the phone and tried to move but it hurt so much, my stomach was killing me and it made me cry even harder. I called Will again and he answered, "hey will I need you please come"

I waited and I heard a knock on my door I got up and opened it, it was Will he looked at me and saw that something was wrong. He picked me up and carried me to the car. We headed to the hospital and I was taken in...

"Will please don't leave me"

"I won't and where is Dan?"

"I don't know he said he was coming but he hasn't shown and I am scared Will"

"I know Amanda I am here"

Will kissed my hand and we waited until the doctor saw me, I was scared because what if I lost the baby? Dan was suppose to be here why isn't he here? Does he even care I am going through this and I may lose the baby?..

I was finally seen by a doctor and they told me that I was carrying twins and one has died that's why I am bleeding. I couldn't believe it, I just lost a baby and the only one who is here is Will because he's like a big brother to me and I love him like one. I had to have a scan to see what's going on and it was like they were taking hours to see me. I wanted to scream and just tell them to let me go home and forget this day even happened. How could Dan do this to me. After I was checked I had to remain in hospital to keep an eye on me to make sure I don't lose the other one and keep my blood pressure down.

Will came in and saw me and I felt happy he was here. I then saw Woody and Kyle they were here too. I started to cry because these guys were family to me...

"where is Dan?"

Kyle:"he's not coming..."

"what do you mean he's not coming?"

Woody:"he called us to come and he said he didn't want to"

I just looked at them and felt hurt because he is suppose to be here, what if I lost babies?, would he even care?

Will held my hand and I just smiled at him and he knew that I was hurting because he has known me for over 20 years...

I was able to go home later that night I was glad to because I hated being there. Will drove me home and it made me happy because he has been here for me.. We pulled up to my house and I saw Dan. He had been there for a while I got out and didn't even look his way..

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