Sucker punch

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Amanda's POV

Dan and I were sneaking around like teenagers for the past 5 weeks and I felt happy having him here, I would pretend to be there for Brandon and I loved him but I wanted Dan and I couldn't help but think why is is so bad for having two guys? Then I would get my greedy thoughts out of my head when I would see Bethany and Dan playing. I smiled and thought I'm lucky to have them in my life. I was in my own world making cookies for Bethany's play date when Dan came up behind me and kissed my neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt happy, I saw Bethany playing with her toys and I couldn't help but think this was perfect.. Well I spoke to soon..

I was at the play date for Bethany when I felt sick, I thought ok maybe I've caught something. I sat down with the other mums and thought this is just a little bug I'll be ok, then one of the mums looked at me and spoke.. "Hey Amanda you don't look well"

"Yeah I've caught something.."

"I hope your not sick, maybe your pregnant"

I let out an awkward laugh and thought no I'm not. Or wait am I? I didn't know and I was now trying to figure out when I had my last period. I thought shit, if I am pregnant its either Dan's or Brandons.. I was trying to come up with when I got my last period when I saw Bethany fall down and she started to cry. I ran over to her and picked her up, she was ok but she was just tired...

we headed home after the play date and headed into the house, I saw Dan sitting on the sofa on his laptop, I put Bethany down and headed out the door I went to the pharmacy and got a box with 3 tests in it. I came back and saw Dan hasn't moved and I headed to the bathroom, I took the tests hoping they were negative but to my shock I was pregnant. Fuck me.. I let out a sigh and headed to Dan who was still not taking any notice of me. I sat down on the coffee table and showed him all the tests.. He looked at me with confused and I then spoke.. I cleared my throat thinking of how I will tell him..


"What's up babe?

"I'm pregnant..."

"That's fantastic and I'm so happy"

"Yeah that is great but we have a small hiccup.."

"What's wrong..?"

"There maybe a chance its not yours..."

"Wait. Are you serious?"

"No, remeber when we had sex after Brandon left well I think it maybe his child too"

"So wait. Your pregnant and you maybe carrying another guys baby?"



Just as I found a way to tell Dan, my door opened and it was Brandon and he came in and I knew I was screwed..

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