Those Shits Have Tools..

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*6 weeks later*

Dan's POV:

After being humiliated by Amanda I got back into writing songs for our new album and tour we are doing around England.. I was a mess because she broke my heart. I thought I liked her a lot and I knew her before she started working for virgin.

I had a run in with Will because he was taking her side. We have been friends for 4 years and he tells me that he doesn't want to get involved but I know he is on her side. She was a selfish bitch and I want her to pay. How can she do that to me, I'm Dan fucking Smith for fuck sakes...

We were going to BBC one radio for gig that we booked in November last year. Because it was now the new year I had a new lease on life and I wanted to think differently.

I had my mates with me besides Will he was still on Amanda's side even though he said he didn't take side. I was watching him very closely as they say keep your friends close keep your enemy's closer...

We went on to perform and the first song was blame.

The words spoke to me because she can go sleep with the fishes and she will pin it all on me. After we finished with the gig I headed back stage and I heard will on his phone. He was chatting to amanda.

"hey Dan can you stay there for a second I need to tell you something"

"sure, why not"

"ok thanks mate"

He got off the phone and turned to me then he saw the other guys coming and we headed to the backstage room and locked the door. He sat down and looked at me..

"what's going on Will?... We have fans to see remember"

"Amanda just phoned me she said she's pregnant and it's yours"

"hahah, nice try mate but that's bullshit as I wore a condom"

"they do break remember and she has it confirmed from the ultrasound, she's 6 weeks"

"hahah, nice try will but I'm not falling for it now I'm going to see the fans"

I walked out of the room and headed to see the fans I couldn't believe she would make that up and fuck making will believe is another thing. Fuck she ruined me and who cares if it was one night I really liked her...

Amanda's pov:

I was at work getting ready to interview a new music group called say it again sandy, and it was all going well until I felt sick I thought it was the flu as it was still winter and I hadn't been sleeping well of late since my one night stand with Dan. I pushed it all behind me and continued with the interview and it was going great until I started to feel dizzy. I excused my self and ran to the bathroom. I checked cold water on the back of my neck and breathed in and out. Then I threw up, I thought great I have the flu and now I can't finish the interview. I saw my boss Gloria and she let me go home. I drove home and headed to bed. I needed to get some sleep and hope that It was a 24hr bug and I can go back to work tomorrow. I had sick days but I wanted to save them up for my end of year vacation..

I fell asleep for a few hours but I was up to puke in the toilet and it wasn't pretty. I hadn't eaten so it can't be food poisoning, maybe it was stress.. All of these thoughts went around my head and I tried to tell my self it's not a big deal I'll be ok. I tried to go back to sleep but it wasn't working so I made my self some dry toast and tea and watched TV until I fell asleep on the lounge...

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