Two Dates On A Saturday..

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Amanda's POV:

3 days after Bethany's birthday me and Brandon arranged for the so called "date" I really liked him but was I being a horrible person if I started to date him? I mean Dan and I weren't dating and I don't know if we ever will. So I decided on just going with my gut over my heart and just try..

I got Bethany ready as she was going to isla and rods place for the day. I made sure that Dan would call me after rehearsals and I should be back home. I was nervous I hadn't been on a date in a few years and since having Bethany it hasn't been easy to find a guy who would want my extra baggage.

I arrived at islas place and took Bethany in so she can spend time with her grand parents.. I said my hellos and goodbyes and walked to my car to meet Brandon at a local coffee place. I parked and sighed to myself. I was in my mental block when I got out finally and headed to see him sitting there. My stomach was in knots and I was feeling like a teenage girl..

We ordered and sat down, we started to talk about ourselves.. When he came to me I had to figure out a way to tell him, I had a baby with a guy who was really sweet and then turned into a douche because I left him after? Or should I tell him how he cheated on me? I was debating all of these things in my head when Brandon snapped me out of my thoughts when he asked "if I wanted a penny for my thoughts.."

I smiled and we headed to the park and walked around. That was until Dan called me..

"Hey excuse me its Dan.."

"Sure go ahead.."

*phone call*

*Hey Amanda its Dan, what time will you be back?*

*Hey Dan... Um soon I think, I did tell you I was out..*

*I know but I wanted to make sure you don't come home in a few hours and will you be home by 7??..*

*long pause...* sure I'll be home by then, your parents have Bethany and so we don't have to worry..*

*ok see you then..*

*end of phone call*

I hung up and thought well this date with Brandon is going to be cut shorter than I think, I didn't tell him that I was going on a date with Dan because I don't know what he was doing. I walked back over to Brandon and we continued to walk around the park when Brandon kissed me. I was shocked at first but kissed him deeper and we stood there while the sun started to set.. It was really sweet, until it got cut short by a phone call He had to go because of an engagement so I headed back to my car and sat in it for a few minutes to collect my self. I really liked Brandon and he made me so happy, but i couldnt stopt thinking about Dan... Normally girls will be happy to have two guys after them but I felt guilty...

Dan's POV:

After calling Amanda about when she was going to be home, I was excited.. I asked the guys and with the help of my mum I brought a ring for her and I wanted to propose to her as I really like her and I really wanted us to be a family for Bethany..

I heard the door open and it was her she was a bit down but put on a fake smile to say she was ok when I knew.. I walked over to her and sat her down on the sofa, I had a lazy night planned. I was going to give her the ring when we have dessert because I taped it to the Ben and Jerry's lid. I had it all covered. Amanda got a glass of wine and headed to her bedroom and got changed, I put on her favourite movies and once she came back she sipped on her wine and just watched as we didn't do anything but watch movies in silence.. It wasn't until the second movie finished. Breakfast Club (au: if you haven't seen it I guess you should go and buy it or download it as its a classic)

"Hey Dan what's for dinner?"

"Well anything you want"

"Ok, how about pizza and some egg rolls from that little shop down the road?"

"You read my mind.. I'll go order it.."

"Ok, also Dan thank you.."

"Your welcome my dear.."

"You are a dork but I really like it when you make me laugh"

"I'm glad.."

I smiled to my self and thought I hope she says yes..

After we ate and another few movies and laughing our asses off it was time for dessert. I handed Amanda her ice cream and she took the lid off. She was about to lick the ice cream off the lid when she saw the ring taped to her lid..

"Dan what is this?"

I got on my knees and pulled her hand to mine.. "Amanda I know we aren't the best people in the world, but I love you and I really want you to be with me.. I am sorry for everything and I want nothing more than you to be my wife.. So will you marry me.?"

"Wait.. Dan I have to tell you something.."

I saw her face it wasn't something that I wanted and so I got up and sat next to her and she turned to me..

"Dan, I love you but I don't think us getting married will solve anything.."

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"I was with Brandon today.."

"You didn't tell me that.."

"I didn't have to and I'm sorry but I can't marry you"


"Because I have feelings for him and I kissed him"

"You what?"

"We kissed and I really want to try and see if anything goes?"

"So you will just string me along and I will be here to pick up the pieces?"

"No.. Dan were not dating and I never wanted you to do that.."

"Forget it Amanda.."

"No Dan, I won't.. You mean the world to me but its better if we are friends then being together and hurting each other.."

I walked away and slammed my door, I sat on my bed and saw the ring in my hand. I was angry and annoyed..

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