But Baby Girl Smith, Sounds Cute

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Dan's POV:

There was a gush of blood and Amanda blacked out I didn't know what to do but it looked like something major was going on, I was rushed out of the room and my baby girl was taken from me and I had to wait until someone told me what's going on..

I couldn't lose Amanda I know I had been a dick to her a few months ago but I can't lose her now.. The doctor came out and my heart crawled up to my throat.

"Mr Smith?"

"yes that's me how's Amanda?"

"I'm doctor Stevens and she's doing fine, you can see her. She had a blood clot and it was close but she will be ok"

"thank you so much, so was that the reason she blacked out?"

"I'm afraid so, but we have treated it and she will make a full recovery, she can see you now"

"thank you so much"

"you are welcome"

I walked in to the room, Amanda was resting. The baby was asleep next to her and they both looked alike. It was pretty scary but I am glad she's ok. The guys came in and congratulated me and we all waited until Amanda wake. I had to think of a name for our daughter as of right now she's baby girl Smith..

The guys were coming up with names that were funny but I think once Amanda wakes up we can come up with one together. It was weird being a father, it was only a few months ago I was a single guy and now I'm with the girl of my dreams and I have the most perfect thing in the world...

Amanda's pov:

I woke and saw Dan, Kyle, Will and Woody they were all asleep and I was sore. I don't remember much but from what happened I blacked out from the Labor. I saw a nurse come in and she handed me my baby girl, she was so tiny and looked like Dan even her soft brown hair was like his. I had her in my arms and the nurse even got me to try and breastfeed her. I felt her latch on and it felt weird but once she started to suck it was ok. After I fed her and she was now sleeping in my arms Dan woke up and looked over to me and smiled.

"hey, when did you wake?"

"I don't know I have been staring at this little thing and watching you guys sleep. You sleep with you mouth open"

"I do not, and they all can sleep through bombs"

"what happened to me?"

"you blacked out from a blood clot but you are ok,"

"so that's why I have so much pain and I can't seem to sit up properly"

"I think so, they said they had to put stitches in you"

"Oh, well I hope we can leave soon I want to take this one home and rest in my bed"

"don't you mean our bed and what should we name her by the way?"

"I don't know..."

"well until then baby girl Smith it is"

"haha, ok then"

The guys woke up a few hours later and they were all fussing over her and telling me that she will play drums, guitar, and keyboard. I laughed because if she's anything like Dan she will be the next lady gaga...

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