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Dan's POV

It had been 3 weeks since finding out Amanda was pregnant, I was happy and then overjoyed because I wanted to redo what I didn't when she was pregnant with Bethany. I had Bethany in my arms, it was late and I was putting her to bed. I laid her down and she didn't even stir. She fell asleep and I was now walking out of her bedroom when Amanda called. She sounded upset, I was at home by my self and I couldn't get her. So I called my mum and asked her to come and watch Bethany. My parents were happy that they were getting another grandchild even if its not mine.

Once my mum arrived I headed out and went to Amanda's flat. I knocked on her door and saw that she had been crying. I thought she lost the baby. "What's wrong?"

"He left me.."

"Wait.. Why?"

"I don't know I came home and I saw his stuff gone he left a note saying he couldn't do this and he left the ring that he was going to marry me with.."

"I'm sorry Amanda.."

She sobbed into my chest and I felt so bad for her. I sat her down on the lounge and got her stuff, she is going to stay with me. I packed it all ready and she locked up. I held her hand as we walked to the car. She got in and sighed, we drove back to my place.

We got out and headed inside, my mum saw Amanda and she hugged her. She didn't want to know the details so she kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. Before saying "goodnight" to me.. My mum left and if was me and Amanda she sat on the sofa in silence. I got her out of her thoughts when I made her some tea and gave her a bowl of ice cream..

After Amanda finished her stuff she sat back and she didn't say anything. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. She smiled and kept her arms around me..

After we sat in silence she fell asleep on me, I picked her up and took her to my bed. I was going to let her sleep in the bed and I'll take the sofa. I laid her down and pulled the covers over her. She was now asleep, I got some pillows and a blanket. I was just about to fall asleep when she called me..


I got up and I headed in.. "What's wrong?"

"Stay with me.."

"Ok." That's all I said I didn't want to push it, so I laid with her and we fell asleep, the next morning I was awoken by Bethany. Now that she was walking she would get out of her room and come into my bed. But she didn't realize that her mum was there. She got excited and laid in the middle of us both. I smiled to my self and thought how amazing this was..

Amanda's POV

I woke up the next morning after crying my eyes out to Dan.. I saw Bethany and she came in and looked at me, she got excited and laid with us as we tried to wake up. I rolled over to her and kissed her as she played with her toy and sucked on her dummy. She was my big girl and I loved her so much. Dan was asleep when I put Bethany on Dan and he woke up, he had to put his glasses on but he smiled and I started to tickle him and Bethany as I had her help.. I got up but then I felt Dan pull me back and kiss me,.. We got a weird noise from Bethany and I tickled her she was giggling and making noises.. It made me so happy. I kissed her and Dan and headed to the kitchen and made some tea and breakfast.

After finishing the breakfast Dan came out with Bethany in his arms kissing her and she was playing with his glasses. We sat down and I watched as he fed her. I was now in my own world thinking it was so good to be back here with him. I remembered what Brandon said and it made me think if he doesn't want to be apart of this baby's life then stuff him..

Later that day Dan was out getting food for dinner when I heard my phone go off. It was Brandon, I answered it and I didn't want to seem weak from him but he made me feel like this is all my fault. Well it is but he said he wasn't going anywhere.. I heard his voice and hung up, I didn't want to deal with it. So I let it go to voice mail.

* hey Amanda I'm sorry but I couldn't do it, I know its Dan's baby. I never told you this but I can't have kids I've known for over 20 years that I couldn't.. I was going to let you think it was mine but then I'll be lying to you. I'm sorry for everything and I'm sorry for abandoning  Bethany.. I love you and will always will..


I heard it and thought why didn't he just tell me.. I was now sobbing when Dan came in. He put the stuff away when he came to my side and kissed me as I cried on his shoulder.. I loved him and now he's gone..

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