"We're okay. But they aren't"

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Jack and I sat there, thankfully it was a 24 hour cafe. It was now 2am and I was falling asleep at the table, but waking up every time because Jack hit me over the head, waking me up. "Ey! Can you stop? I'm tired" I mumbled, lying back down on the table, "can we just go home?" I asked, my head burrowed in my arms and eyes closed.

I could hear him sigh. I cracked open my eyes and lifted my head up slowly to look at him. "Yeah let's go" he said sadly. We stood up together and walked out of the cafe and began walking back to the apartment. When we arrived, I slowly opened the door and crept into the Randy room and Jack jumped on Harvey's bed.

Through the darkness I saw Rye asleep on his bed, snoring slightly. I smiled and slowly walked towards him, taking off my clothes and laying down gently beside him. He woke up a little bit and mumbled "Andy?". I shushed him and whispered into his ear, "go back to sleep Rye", then I left a delicate kiss on his neck.

I snuggled beside him, letting the warmth of his body heat me up. Before I knew it, I had fell asleep, cuddled closely beside him. Hours passed, when I jumped up from my bed, panting and looking around the room fearfully. "Are you okay Andy?" Rye said, he was sitting on the floor on his phone. "I had a nightmare" I sighed. He jumped up and hugged me.

"What was it about?" He asked. "Um, us. You where crying in the kitchen, and I was banging on the door wanting to come in. I was crying hysterically and begging to be let inside" I said cuddling closer into his chest. "I'm here Andy. We're okay" he comforted. He cupped my chin in his hand and pecked my lips, smiling happily.
"We're okay. But they aren't" I sighed, looking at the hallway and listening to the cold silence.

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