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Andy's POV*
While I continued to rub his back as he kneeled at the toilet, everyone appeared at the door of the bathroom, looking over at Rye worriedly. "Brook go get a bottle of water" I commanded watching him run into the kitchen and return a bottle of water to us and handing it to me. I held it out to Rye who continued to throw up into the toilet. "Oh no baby" I mumbled.

Once he stopped he took the bottle out of my hand and began drinking it quickly, exhaling sharply when he stopped. "Thanks" He said showing a small smile on his face. "I should probably go" Elise suggested. Mikey sighed and nodded in response, leading her to the door. "Are you feeling better?" I asked, "no. Brook, just go, I want to be here with just Andy" Rye ordered.

I looked back at Brook who shuffled away from the door and too his room. I got up briefly, closing the door for more privacy. "I just need to stay here for a bit" Rye sighed, leaning in the rim of the toilet just in case. "Okay" I started, "Do you know why you began to feel sick?" I asked, looking at his bloodshot eyes. "I don't know. I was completely fine then all of a sudden I just felt this urge to throw up" he explained.

We sat on the bathroom floor for a while, waiting to see if he'd be sick again. "Are you okay now?". "Yeah" Rye said surprised. "Okay, let's get you into our room" I told him, helping his shaking body off the floor and walking beside him to our room. He slowly climbed into our bed, cuddling into the covers.

I was about to climb in with him when he stopped me. "No, don't. I don't want to get you sick" He sympathetically directed. "It's okay" I comforted, once again trying to climb in the bed but being stopped; again. "No" he said more dominantly. I moved his hand from the cover and climbed in beside him, ignoring his groans and cuddling into his side.

"Don't blame me if you become sick" he said defensively raising his eyebrows. "I love you" I giggled. After hesitating, Rye sighed and wrapped his arm around my body and pulling me closer to his side, "I love you too". He kissed my head while I laid on his shoulder.

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