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Rye's POV*
Days past and it was getting harder and harder to push out the fact that we were scared of everyone's reactions. We had planned everything, an outside party with lots of flowers and a lot of food and some nice music. It was planned perfectly and Andy and I were so proud of ourselves. The last thing to do was the invitations.

We were now on our way to the shop to buy some pretty invitations to send to everyone. We entered the small shop, looking over at the all the cards. Andy skipped over smiling, picking up a white invitation for an engagement. His smile faded slightly when he remembered about what could happen if our families don't accept it.

I reached for his hand, interlocking our fingers. He looked at me with fear in his eyes. I smile and he began smiling back; blushing slightly too has he looked at me lovingly. "This one" He said, pointing at a very pretty card and holding it out in front of me. "I really like it" I said, then kissing his cheek before paying for it.

We got back to the flat and we were almost pushed over by Jack and Brook who were still ecstatic about our engagement. "Do you boys want tea?" Brook asked grinning largely. "Sure" I replied then walking into the Randy room with Andy glued to my side.

He pulled the cards out of the shopping back and placed them on the bed. We'd already made a preparation list of the people we were inviting so it was pretty straight forward from then. Andy began writing the invitations and crossing off the names on the list and I started doing the same.

Andy took a few breaks during the writing to relax his wrists and to stop overthinking everything as he drank his tea. I was so determined to finish all of them tonight so I didn't stop writing. Finally, we'd finished and it was now 3am and they were stacked in a neat pile at the end of the bed. We walked to the nearby post box and hesitated to put them in. "Andy, this will be okay" I comforted, putting the first card in followed by the rest.

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