Doctors visit pt2

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"Boys calm down" I hushed annoyed at them. They didn't listen though and continued to jump from the seats and laughing hysterically but quietly so they didn't disturb the nurses that were wandering the halls. Jack was rolling on the floor while Mikey laughed more than he probably should have. Brook began to try a cartwheel, which didn't go so well. His arm collapsed and he fell pretty hard onto the ground.

Mikey and Jack began to laugh so hard they began to go bright red in the face and start crying, rolling about on the floor while Brook groaned while laughing. "You should stop before you get hurt" I said, trying my hardest not to laugh at their stupidity. "Too late" Jack responded through laughing. Luckily, Rye began to not feel so nauseous and just held my hand; ignoring the other boys.

The doctor then entered the waiting room, looking at Rye and I sat together in the seats then noticing the other boys laughing on the floor. I stood up and looked at him before noticing what his attention was on. I immediately became embarrassed and covered my face thinking to myself 'why am I involved in a band with these boys?'.

I helped Rye off the seat and walked with him while we followed the doctor into his office. He sat down in the chair closest to the desk and I sat in the chair behind him. He reached his hand back to me, I instantly held it, I could feel his nerves flow through me arm and into my body; he was scared. "So, Ryan Beaumont?" The doctor asked. "Yeah" he responded, his voice slightly shaky.

"What's the problem then?" The doctor asked, paying close attention to him. "Well, it was mine and Andy's" he began, pointing back at me with his other hand. "..Engagement party and that night everything was completely fine. Then, the next morning I suddenly felt really sick. I've been very nauseous with a headache for the past two days" he finished, exhaling sharply.

"Well, shall we get started then?" The doctor said smiling. After a while of simple questions with detailed answers and Rye's hand gripping mind tighter each question, the doctor began to do some physical tests making me even more nervous. Finally, the doctor sat back down at the desk and began to type rapidly in the computer. Rye's fingers dig into my hand, it hurt, I'm not going to lie, but he was nervous and I couldn't let go of his hand.

"You'll be okay it's a simple stomach bug" the doctor said briefly. Rye's grip of my hand loosened and I exhaled relieved, I couldn't take his nails piercing my skin any longer. "You'll just have to go pick up some pills from the pharmacy and you'll be in to feel better after a few days" the doctor followed, pushing a signed piece of paper with some other notes on it towards him. He picked it up and we swiftly left. Once the door closed he hugged me, I wasn't sure why he was so scared..

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