〖❤︎ Three ❤︎〗

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I stood there for a while

"Lunch with you?" I was a bit confused

Watching the President Stand Up without responding me, he walked over to me and opened the door.

"Indeed, didn't I put that clear for you?" He looked over at me.

"You did Sir, but Im just surprised to be having lunch with you." I stared back at him.

"It's not like I told my old assistant to have lunch with me everyday." He chuckled.

"Oh so just for today I suppose." I walked out the door he held open for me.

We walked to the elevator he pressed a button that went to the rooftop of the building.
Okay, having lunch on the rooftop?
Very nice.
The elevator closed its doors.
I waited there quietly right next to Mr. Phantomhive.
He was quiet as well, it didn't took the elevator long to get to the rooftop since it was a level up ahead to get there.
The doors opened and we walked out.

God, this was nothing as imagined, it's not just a rooftop, it had a large pool and picnic tables around, there was food already prepared, chefs and waitress there awaiting for the arrival of his Boss.
This was more of a peaceful scenery to have your lunch.

I followed behind the President he picked a table where the view was enchanting to look at, this was the tallest building throughout the city, I could see all the other buildings on the side, so beautiful.

The waitress came to pour sweet tea on his glass.

I stood there and he was sitting he looked up at me
"Please sit down and join me." He said

I nodded taking a seat in front of him, my empty glass being filled with sweet tea, soon the waitress leaving to get the lunch.
He sipped his glass of tea before speaking to me.
"I did some background research on your works."

"Ah... well I hope you got the good things you were Hoping to get out of me." I held my hands under the table.

This was so awkward. Now I feel it, it didn't feel nothing like Ciel but his looks of course, now it felt like I didn't know him or as if Ciel quickly changed his behavior.

"I did, actually." His eyes laid onto mine two whole deep ocean colored eyes.
"But before you even had this job, I noticed you worked for the Phantomhive Co."

The waitress returned with two dishes she set them in front of us on the table before she left.
It was a turkey club sandwich followed with some carrots and ranch dipping on the side, and some chips if I had to add.

"Yes, that's correct." I looked down at the plate.

"Ah, wonderful. But so, other things popped up." He took his sandwich and gave it a bite.

"What do you mean, sir?" I looked up at him again.

" You have a close and strong relationship with the President of the Phantomhive Co." He set down his sandwich "perhaps you were his assistant in the past as well?" He looked at me.

I wasn't exactly Ciel's assistant...
But he wasn't wrong either, I did had a strong relationship with Ciel. But that was in the past. I was letting go of things and ready to forget everything of Ciel, but it was hard, well because of Shieru..
his appearance makes me constantly think of Ciel, it's not like I can see him differently there's no way I can't except for their different behaviors.

"Well, I only worked there for a short amount of time." I sipped my sweet tea.

"How did your job end?" He asked me.

I wasn't sure how to put that, I guess after all the things that happened with Ciel kind of made me vanish off my work, especially for the last part, to move here.

"I decided to leave the city for a better living." I said.

"Ah and do you came to us now."

I nodded

"Well, I couldn't be more satisfied without your work. You have impressed me so much, Mr. Trancy. The company's chart percentage has went above from the past few weeks after you joined our cooperation." He smiled at me as he cleaned his hands with his handkerchief.

I returned the smile at him. "Thank you sir, I'm flattered, I couldn't been more honored to be in this position I am. I promise to continue working hard and never disappoint you."

"I'll remember that, Mr. Trancy." He stared into my eyes.

I stared back and nodded slowly.

Lunch was great, there was just silence throughout the entire time after. When we both returned to the office he gave me a stack of papers to work on.

"I want you to finish this by the end of the Week, the company will be having a meeting with another company in a few weeks, you'll be attending that meeting with me, but first I need you to get this work perfectly done." He walked out my office and went to sit back on his chair signing paperwork of his own.

I looked at the work and took a folder turning on my computer and began to work.

It took all afternoon and evening for me to work on all that, nonstop.
There was a knock on the glass door.
I looked up and saw Shieru staring at me.

"The building is closing, almost all of the workers have left, you should go home and take a break, there's no need to finish all that in a whole day, you've got all week." He said standing on the glass doorway.

I nodded and got up putting everything away and taking the other folders home, I put them in a bag.
"Thank You, Sir. The work is not as stressful I'm sure I'll get it done by tomorrow."

There was a small chuckle coming from his lips. " Perfect." He walked over to his desk looking through his computer.
"I just need to wait in here a little longer there's some workers outside the building.
I want you be able to get them out of there once you walk out there." He looked over at me.

I walked over his computer and saw he had cameras everywhere. And outside stood all my friends hanging out, shoot I remember they're waiting for me tonight.

"Ah yes sir, they're my partners they're just waiting for me I'll get them out of there." I walked over to door with my bag.
"Goodnight Mr. Phantomhive." I walked out, when I was out the building i met up with my friends.
"Alois!!! Alright let's go eat now!" Jennifer hugged me.
"Great I'm starving-!" Max exclaimed
We all began to walk down the steps
Jacob got next to me, I looked up at him from my side as we smiled "glad you actually came."
I nodded "of course-!" We both laughed and walked away from the Astre Building.

Shieru's POV:

I stared at the monitor screen , watching my assistant successfully walk out all those people. I fully prepared to leave, I took my jacket and turned off computer.
I walked out the empty building as I locked the doors and secured the whole tower.
I shoved my hands on my jacket walking down the steps.

My head turned to the side where my assistant went with his group of friends.

I stopped my steps, turning my direction to my assistant's way, from a distance they walked into restaurant that was joined as a bar.

" Im sure you'll commit a reckless behavior, Mr. Trancy. "

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