〖❤︎ Thirty ❤︎〗

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Ciel's POV:

" young master, I've found something you've been wanting, answers." Sebastian walked in with a letter in his hand it was hand written and it had my name on it. 'About Ciel Phantomhive ' it was written .

" and who's is this? Where did you find it?" I took it taking a look at it before I opened it.

" from Mr. King's , it was in his bag. " he said silently standing there awaiting for my response.

I read the hand written letter .
" what the bloody hell..."

Sebastian only stood there looking at me in silence not daring to speak or ask as he's supposed to.

" Sebastian, i want you to find Alois as soon as possible, we need to go back to New York and get him , i need him now!" I ordered him.

" yes young master" the butler prepared my things to travel back to New York.

" I hope Alois doesn't get too close to Shieru , it's beyond dangerous now, Why are you doing this on yourself?" I thought.

Shieru's POV:

Alois and I walked out the meeting we both looked at each other and smiled letting out an inhale we hold back in there, it turned into laughter .
" you did it." I smiled
" no you did it!" He smiles back .
" but you got us here, thanks for your hard work, now to celebrate, the ship is about to reach the destination and we can finally get off. " I reached out to hold his hand.

" shieru we don't have to celebrate " He Intertwined our fingers.

" it's my call and my treat, after all you deserve it" I slowly began to lightly swing our arms.
I couldn't stop staring at him, that beautiful smile, god that gorgeous smile and those eyes.
" okay boss" He giggled.
" well then you'll have to get ready, we're going somewhere 'not' fancy on this boat." I smiled
" oh like where?" We both got inside our room.
" you'll see" I smiled.
We packed our clothes and things the boat finally arrived to the destination, it was a island.

" oh my god! Shieru! This is insane!" I saw Alois smile widely his eyes sparkled to the light, they had campfires, , tiki bars , torches and men , hula woman dancing and welcoming us.

" it surely is . " I lead him on , we walked to the tiki restaurant we sat there and ordered food .
Alois took out his phone hugging me from my side , I was chewing food when I looked up seeing the camera out , Alois was Smiling and he took a picture of our selfie.
" haha oh my god you're so cute here." He looked at his phone screen.
I smiled kissing his cheek, I could feel his face heat up .
" let's go take a look at our small tiki house ." I got up grabbing his hand and we walked down a trail of rocks, in front of us was a beautiful large tiki house , behind it was the view of the waterfall and a hill up to the island.

" oh my god shieru, this is so beautiful." He stared at the house.
" it is , let's go in ." I let him walk in , we both got inside and the house was already filled with furniture and the house was beautifully build by the people in the island.
" don't worry, I paid every single person in this island for this , money , food , everything they needed ." I smiled , Alois turned to me and smiled warmly " oh shieru, you have a beautiful large heart" he walked to me wrapping his arms around me.
I hugged back tightly " that's not true.." I whispered very low under my breath he couldn't even hear it.
" let's walk in the beach down the trail here , it's almost sunset. " I lifted his chin up as we stared into each other's eyes he gave me a warm smile nodding " I'd love that so much, shieru " he held my hand as we walked out the house when we got to the beach we took off our shoes walking barefoot on the sand next to the water.
" shieru... I want to tell you something." He spoke
" what is it?"
" I want you to protect me. I allow it." He smiled at me.
I froze for a bit then smiled picking him up as he laughed he leaned down to kiss , we kissed passionately.
" I love you , shieru , I've learned to leave the past behind and move on for the better , it's you who I belong to . You deserve me " He said
" I love you to the moon , Alois Trancy." I stared at his sweet lips reaching for them kissing them again.

The stars were all over the sky ,
Alois and I were inside the house in front of the fireplace, a blanket on the floor as another on top of us , pillows for our heads , I slid my tongue inside Alois mouth , our tongue tangling , our kiss broke as he spoke " please , make me yours . " he stared into my eyes .
I slid his undergarments under the blankets as I did the same for mine , he adjusted himself underneath me.
" I'll do this with love." I whispered in his ear, his arms wrapping around my neck , his lips in a smile giving me a slow nod.

Going inside him and doing it gentle to show him the passion of love , oh I loved his moans , that's what our entire night was filled with , Love , just love .

Ciel X Alois【Ambitious Love】Where stories live. Discover now