〖❤︎ Five ❤︎〗

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Alois's POV

Who is it?

The tick sounds of the persons shoes walked closer.

I moved my arm back down not looking directly at the lights but the dark figure that was unclear to be identified.

"Being alone in the streets at this hour? You know better, Trancy. Your home is five miles away and you decided to walk home, all transits close at 10:30, it's dangerous to be out after midnight."
It was that same voice.

I sigh in relief that it's not a freak or a stranger.
He walks closer to me and I finally see him, Shieru.
But what is he doing here? Was he following me?

"Oh yes I was caught up with dinner with my friends." I stare into his eyes.

"You were drinking, weren't you?" He asked

"Uhm..." I didn't know what to say... what if I say I did he'll probably kick me out the company, on my very first day of promotion-

"Im taking you home." He said in a soft voice.
My heart began to race, why? Why now I don't understand... am I thinking of Ciel?

"Mr. Phantomhive.. you don't have to-"

"Mr. Trancy." There was nothing but a warning sign on his voice as it was higher and clear.

I nodded. "If you must..."

He walked over to his car on the passenger side, he opened the door for me.
I walked over and got inside his Black Bugatti, I must say it's really nice inside.
Seriously... again I'm around rich people but this is no different.. Shieru has to be related to Ciel and his family... but why does he live across the world away from all his relatives?... I wouldn't dare ask him this, it feels too personal and I'm just his assistant, I shouldn't dig deeper into his life which I don't know about.
But I still remember what Claude said...
The Phantomhives hold dark secrets no one is allowed to know.
How can this be so connecting?
No one in New York knows how Shieru Phantomhive looks, they don't know anything about him but just his name, and his successful job for the Astre Co.
there has to be something behind his walls and the walls to the Phantomhive family.
I'm curious but, this is nothing I should worry about. I should be happy I'm living the life I always wanted, to be successful and reach to the top as for where I am right now. It's all I want and I'm living it, I should ignore about this whole Ciel look alike and twin, for all I know is, he's not the Ciel I'm trying to get away from, he doesn't know anything about me nor does he know about me and Ciel maybe they aren't even related.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, you live five miles away from here?" He asked me, I left my thoughts and looked at him, he began to drive his car.

"You're not wrong." I said but how does he know?

"If you're wondering, I always check backgrounds of my assistants but since you're my personal assistant I made sure to check every information of you the day before you got promoted" he spoke.

So he basically knows everything about me.

"I had a few questions that I found on your job history." He kept driving.

"Please go ahead Mr. President." I looked at him curious of what he must ask.

"I read you worked in a bar back in London, and then worked for the Phantomhive Co." He said his tone was rather a bit confused.
"How did you manage to work from the bottom to a big company all so suddenly?" He asked there was a lot of curiosity in his voice. I froze, what should I tell him? I got saved by Ciel and he got me to work in his company just cause he wanted it for my safety and because I was his boyfriend.

"Well you see I tried to apply there and had an interview, I was a perfect match for the job and got to meet Mr. Ciel Phantomhive, he approved with my work after a few days of training." It's the best I could think of. I don't know if he will believe this.

"I see, I'm proud you came to our company, you are beyond excellence." His voice was proud.

I felt myself flattered. "Thank you, Sir."

"I'm sure you'll do a good job to the upcoming meeting with our other company.We will be running a project and must keep them astonished with our products." Shieru told me he was coming closer to my home.

"I heard. I promise I will not let you down sir, I shall keep Astre Co. running perfectly with our products." I said I know for sure I'll do my best for my friends, and the company.

He pulled over to the apartments, I smiled "thank you for the help , Sir." He got my papers and opened the door getting out.
"Of course Mr. Trancy."

"I'll be early in the office tomorrow." I said I hope it's true—
I'm always late to work all the time-

"Goodnight, Mr. Trancy." He said

I smiled "Good Night Sir." I walked to the apartments and went to my block.
I heard his car leave and got inside my home. I put the papers on the table and laid on the couch passing out of tiredness.

Ciel's POV:

"Mr. Phantomhive, The appointment has been set a month away for your trip to New York City to the Astre Co. is there any other things you'd like for me to do sir?" My assistant walked in my office.

I looked over at her and smiled
"Can you find out about Alois Trancy our previous worker?"

"Ah yes, I've heard the recent report last night, Alois Trancy is the assistant from President of the Astre Co." she said.

I stood silent for a while.
Alois being shierus assistant?
I see we both have the same taste,
This month better pass by quick.

Shieru... If you take what's mine...

You'll be dead.

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