〖❤︎ Thirty Six ❤︎〗⚠️TRIGGERING⚠️

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Ciel's POV :

I ran outside to see two figures throwing Alois inside the Vehicle " Alois!" I yelled getting the figures attention they turned their heads and saw me before quickly getting in the car , hearing the tires screech before it took off at a fast speed.
I ran after it for a few seconds taking out my keys out of my pocket unlocking my car and getting on it , following the car .
A loud thunderstorm happened at this time , which was horrible it caused it harder conditions to driving , I could barely see , and it was dangerous to speed up faster.
" come on!!" I yelled seeing the back red lights of the car slowly disappearing.
" fuck, fuck , fuck!" I cursed out furiously.
" I'm not giving up on you Alois. I'm coming for you." I flashed my headlights for a better view.
And they were gone so I stopped my car feeling devastated I didn't know what to do but my instincts told me to turn to the street ahead of me. When I turned the wheel I saw a warehouse in distance and the car parked just outside it.
I got off my car running over to the car but it was already empty the last thing I know is that they're in the warehouse .
I tried to break into the warehouse , breaking the master lock on the chains , when I opened the door it was dark and quiet , I took a step looking around the darkness ahead of me , being as quiet as possible, I heard a noise on my side and before I could turn my head I got knocked out .


I slowly opened my eyes seeing blur there was finally light.
I tried to move but I had my hands and feet tied into a chair I was sitting down.
In front of me I saw Alois hands chained to the wall as he was waking up.

" Alois!" I tried to get him to look at me
He seemed confused with his eyes getting their vision back , he noticed he was chained up and panicked
" wha!" He tried to pull his hands off the chains
" Alois " I called him finally seeing his turquoise eyes look into mine.
"Ciel!" His eyes squinted " where are we?" There was fear in his voice.
" some warehouse " I didn't take my eyes off his .
" oh god.. are we going to die?" He hesitated to speak.
I gave him a comforting smile with a frown " no , I'm here . I'll protect you ."

There was clapping on our right side it was coming from the darkness

" bravo, Ciel you sure changed a lot ." The voice said as we could hear the footsteps getting closer .

" now we see that blonde is your precious thing . It's saddening to see you leave your habits. But disappointing us as well. It will be game over." The person stepped out the darkness to the light it was a red headed male with glasses.
I sighed lowering my head down , Grell. He works with my aunt of course.
" now Ciel , we've got two options left for you ." He said with a sassy tone " one , Leave this mutty rat , come back to us and keep making our business raise. Two " he stopped and laughed maniacally " the mutty Rat dies " he smirked .
I looked at Alois as his eyes stared into mine.
All I could remember were the flashbacks of Alois crying and hitting me for abandoning him and leaving him with Claude. I don't want to go through that again, I love him , I don't want to hurt him or see him that broken anymore . And I definitely don't want him dead.
I was silent going into my thoughts thinking of the consequences each decision took me to.

" Don't stay quiet!" Grell grabbed a bat and swings a hard hit on my stomach " oof!" I could feel almost all of my air leave my lungs with a hit in the stomach.

" Leave him alone!" I heard Alois
I couldn't see him , my head was staring down .
" that was fun" Grell chuckled giving the bat another strong swing hitting my stomach again. I have a harsh gasp trying to breathe.
" stop it!" Alois yelled
" oh my. Now I want to see you miserable." He said taking the chains off me as I dropped to the floor.
" now Ciel lets play a game, if you can get to the mutty rat , you get to keep him and you two will be free to leave ." He smirked
I coughed trying to stand myself up.
Raising my head I stared into those turquoise eyes, taking a step but was hit in my back with the bat stronger than before . I groaned in pain the hit on my back sending me back on the floor.
" Ciel!" Alois called my name
" oh this will be so fun to watch." Grell giggled
I was able to hold my entire weight with my hands and knees crawling slowly my way to Alois. But every time I got closer I would get kicked in the stomach, making me stop and try to endure the pain.
" come on Ciel you're not far away~" he laughed and hit me with the bat.

" STOP IT!" Alois cried  I raised my head staring at Alois his eyes were filled with tears " CIEL PLEASE STOP!" He sobbed " DONT COME NEAR ME JUST STOP IT!!"

" hear that Ciel? He wants you to let him go." He laughed
I had blood coming out of my mouth, I can't give up. I kept crawling. My knees were weak so all I had left was my arms, and I did , I picked my whole weight with my arms to reach to Alois. I pulled myself forward .
Getting another harder hit on my back as I yelled in pain, tears falling from my eyes  there's no giving up yet.

" STUPID! STOP IT!" I could hear Alois begging me to stop from coming to him.
I let my body rest a bit on the floor as I took deep breathes which was difficult.
I cannot give up on him, he means the world to me, I promised him I would never do another mistake, and for the sake of our love, I'll take all risks and sacrifice myself for him. There's still so much I want to do with Alois, I don't want this to end here...
" ah. You are miserable after all Ciel. What's so special about that rat ?" Grell questioned " doesn't matter , you gave up already I see finally you got smart knowing that bitch is not worth the sacrifice -" I cut him off by surprise

I pulled myself up and kept crawling.

" surprising, Ciel . He must be worth the pain you're putting yourself into. But if I hit you one more time let me warn you. Your spinal cord will break and your veins, oh hunny you're killing yourself-" he said

Alois's POV

I saw the red head raise the bat high and I screamed " STOP IT! STOOOOP! DONT HURT HIM PLEASE!!" I had my whole face running down with tears and my eyes couldn't handle seeing Ciel get beaten up, he was all bloody, he could barely even move why is he being so stupid? Why does he keep crawling to me! He has to stop before he dies
" Ciel please don't move... please love... do it for me.." I stared into those tired lifeless ocean eyes I choked on my own tears before continuing " If you love me... then listen to me."
I saw his arms shaking his face was bloody and watching him like that... oh god... it hurt me more than when he cheated on me.
The pain inside my heart couldn't stand watching him like that.

" I c-can't..." its all I heard him say ...

So sudden , there was a gunshot .

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