〖❤︎ Twenty Six ❤︎〗

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Alois's POV:

The next morning I rode a cab to Ciel's building, getting out the vehicle I made my way inside. The lady at the front desk already knew me so she let me in. I got in the elevator until I was in ciels floor, i walked out the elevator as I saw him talking over the phone as he stared out of the window.
In a second or two he hang up turning around seeing me and smiling at me as he walked over hugging me tightly, I hugged back but there was something wrong. I felt bad, I felt guilty, I had to tell him.

" Ciel? "

He pulled away , but we were interrupted by two Butler's walking in with two large luggage.
Confused I look back at Ciel , he saw me and knew I was going to ask.

" I'm going on a business trip for a couple of days. I promise I'll be back as soon as I can. " he kissed me.
I nodded, " okay... stay safe, Ciel." I looked at him before he gave me another lightly kiss on my lips.

" you're allowed to stay in my apartment, besides this is your home too, love." He caressed my cheek with his hand, bringing me a flashback from last night.
I slowly nodded not wanting to speak, I feel like I don't deserve to speak at all.
He finally walked to the elevator with his butler
" I'll keep in touch with you " he told me as the elevator doors closed.

I dropped on my back in the couch staring at the ceiling. I drifted into my head for a while and then it finally hit me. " SHIT!" I got up rushing to Ciel's room and picking out some clothes I'd use for my work. I rushed down and took a cab to the Astre co.
I still work there and it's been a week that I haven't been there, of course the building closed for a while after the ancient but it opened just yesterday.
I made my way inside the building as everyone there stared at me , whispers, looks , laughs all around me. I avoided that and went to the elevator going to the top floor.
When the doors opened I went in the large hallway on the side was the secretary, I pushed the large doors seeing Shieru working on his papers and typing on his computer with another hand.
He didn't look at me but he already knew it was me.
" you're an hour late, Mr. Trancy." His voice was monotonous. No feelings or emotions on them.

I looked down " I'm sorry, I won't be late next time." I apologized.
I didn't heard a response from him , I could only hear him typing on the keyboard, seconds of silence sent me to my office. I sat down turning on my computer and taking out some paperwork I had stacked in my drawer.
I glanced up seeing him just focused on his work.
God, his words kept coming into my head, and everything about last night. In the office he just feels so different, somehow it makes me feel so dumb and pathetic, like he didn't meant it, but I know somewhere in him he meant it truly.
I shouldn't mess with Shieru, I want him happy, I really do.

I flinched when there was a loud tap on my desk I looked up seeing shieru there.
" we are boarding the cruiser, consider it as business not a vacation. We are going to be meeting another company who's interested to collaborate with us. You're my personal assistant, make sure you take note of everything they say. You're dismissed early today to get ready, we leave later at 9pm don't worry about the way there, I'll pick you up before 9. " with that said he left the office, I saw his desk clear so it meant it was my turn to clear mine.

At 8:40pm I was standing outside my apartment when I saw a black car coming closer then parked right in front of me the door opening as Shieru appeared, he walked to me grabbing my bags and his car automatically opened the trunk, he placed my bags there next to his.
He opened he door as I got it.
All the way we talked about the business we had with the other company and how long we were staying it was only for a few days , thank god.
" not to mention, we are sharing a room together." He said.
I looked at him " I don't mind, I bet the rooms cost a lot."
He only nodded and in front of us was a beautiful sight of an enormous ship, it was a luxurious cruiser and oh god it was so gorgeous!
When we got down and walked inside the ship it felt like I walked in a house of Celebrities.

These next few days will be amazing.
Maybe shieru and I can fix some things.
I'd like that very much.

Ciel X Alois【Ambitious Love】Where stories live. Discover now