〖❤︎ Fourteen ❤︎〗

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Alois's POV

My alarm went off , I got up and walked to the bathroom , I took a shower , brushed my teeth , and wrapped my towel around my chest. Walking out the bathroom I got my clothes , I was taking another pair of clothes for the after party. But right now for the meeting I'm using something more professional. I took out the nice white blouse and a black tight skirt shieru bought me ,  i put them on along with my black heels . I fixed my hair and looked at myself in the mirror sighing softly. " I'm nervous . . . "
My phone gone off as I put my ear device shieru as well bought me , he's calling .
I answered with a happy tone " good morning , shieru "
"Good morning, Alois. Are you ready for today's meeting?" He asked
I sighed " yeah I'm just afraid to make a bad impression or what if I mess up?"
"Alois, your work blew me away , I'm sure they'll react the same way, trust me , you'll be fine and they'll accept your work immediately . "
I smiled and blushed lightly as I replied with a softer voice " okay . . Thank you , shieru "
"You own it . Also I'm driving down your street I'll be there in a couple of seconds " he chuckled
"Ah okay well let me get something and I'll be down in a minute "
"Okay bye" I hung up and walked to the window seeing his car parking but oh great , there was snow. I rushed to my closet and took out my large warm coat putting it on and got my files of work and my bag getting out the apartment to Shieru's car.
"Ready?" He smiled at me
I returned the smile with a simple nod .
"Yes Im ready ."
"Alright here we go." He drove off.

Ciel's POV

In the mirror i could see my bullet scar as I put my white shirt on. Buttoning it up and then put my jacket on. I had my hair combed back.
"Mr. Phantomhive , the meeting will start in a few, are you ready?" My assistant walked in.
"yes. I am, bring my car." I replied
"Right away sir." She left.
I tied my tie around my neck and sighed as I stared at myself in the mirror. "I'm not giving up on you easily, Alois." I held an object close. " it was never supposed to end that way ." I walked out my apartment, getting on my car once I was outside, I drove to the Astre co.
When I walked inside there were many people . Two assistants walked beside both of my sides as they spoke "Mr. Phantomhive the meeting will be in a few minutes , the president of the Astre co. Still hasn't arrive so we will wait in the meeting." She said
"Okay." I walked to the elevator. Everyone was watching me and of course people were recording and taking pictures of me.
When we were at the meeting there was a large table and some other employees of my and the Astre company who will be witnessing and agreeing with whatever we suggest and if it's mostly approved for the sales to be public.
I sat down and looked around the room, Alois wasn't here , and I must wait, Jasmine informed me that Alois was the assistant of Shieru Phantomhive, he must be with him right now.
I was getting stared at by some workers , I'm sure the news even ended up here in New York.

Alois's POV

We both got off Shieru's car and we stood in front of each other, he stared down at me with a smile. "You'll finally reveal yourself to the public eye." I gently fixed his tie with a smile.
"Yes and it will be perfect doing that right beside you. You take my fears away." He kept staring right into my eyes.
I giggled and blushed softly with a small sigh.
He lifted my chin up " hey , you'll do great. Just do the presentation and they all will agree , because your work was absorbing , it'll blow them away just like it did to me." His thumb gently caressed my cheek.
I never thought I'd met as someone so perfect. Shieru was sweet, caring, generous, he was a hard working man and i knew from the beginning that he was missing something, he was missing how to love, but now I see it, he has everything, he knows how to love right and I can trust him.
"Let's go to the meeting, we're running late." He said and took my hand.
"S-shieru. I can walk myself inside without you holding my hand-"
He didn't listen, only I could feel the squeeze he gave my hand. I blushed softly and we walked inside.
When we did, everyone was staring. Of course they knew it had to be the president of the company, why? Because every president is supposed to wear this badge on their suit, and second of all, everyone knew I was the president's personal assistant.
Many workers were either shocked. I understand they never seen the heir of the company so they are shocked as mush as I was in the first day.
We walked together on the elevator and soon when we arrived we let go of our hands, we walked to the room and I was just behind him. "Ready?" He asked me
I simply nodded with a reassuring smile and he opened the door walking in as I followed behind.
"My sincere apologies for my delay , traffic is very rough these days." He sat down on his chair. I closed the door behind me and when I turned . . .

My heart dropped.
We again , were in a room together , staring into our eyes . I had this stomach twists when I stared at him, it was Ciel.
I started to feel nervous and so anxious , but why ?
Why didn't anyone mentioned that Ciel Phantomhive was going to end up in this meeting ?
I don't recall hearing anything about the Phantomhive Co.
I sat down which was right in front of him and beside Shieru .
I stared down at my papers pretending to be busy reading them and looking for the work presentation. But I could feel his eyes on me .
And my heart was beating faster than ever .
i couldn't concentrate and this wasn't good .
I looked up and Ciel was paying attention to what a worker was talking about, I turned my head to see shieru but I made him break his attention from the worker as he saw me and leaned on my ear " are you okay?"
I nod a bit and whispered back " I just have an uneasy feeling... I'm nervous."
He smiled " youll do fine , Alois . I'm here and I'm proud of you, just know that if it helps you feel a bit more better . "
I smiled and it did helped me.

Ciel's POV

Alois was talking to Shieru and that made me uncomfortable . I didn't like it and I couldn't focus on this work , I just want to talk to Alois , I want to fix this , I want him to understand that in the past there was a reason . But i know he wouldn't believe me . I saw Alois get up and walked to the board.

"Good morning , I've been working on Astre co. For about two weeks and I'm very delighted to be in this position and have done this work for the company, now I will showing a presentation of our latest new work , we call it project R . " he showed a display of the project on the board . It was a robot , well more like a technology that would be in charge of listening to the owner.
I focused on him, his sweet soft pink lips , his icy blue eyes , his body . . .
He was still perfect. And i miss him , i miss all of him. He's difficult to get, and that's what I like , he's not like the others, he didn't like me for my popularity and my fame. He loved me because of who I was and I ruined it all for him.
I want to fix that. And I'll prove to him that I'll never in fact would do what I did in the past.

I glanced at Shieru and he was staring at me with a look , it was a look where I could see some selfishness.
I chuckled and stared back at Alois, when he finished his presentation everyone clapped and looked at me.
I stood up and walked to the board next to Alois, everyone's eyes were on me , including Alois's. I looked at the blonde and smiled " I highly will promote Astre Co.'s project worldwide with the help of the Phantomhive Co."
everyone clapped.
Alois and I stared at each other, it's been such a long time since I stood in front of him and stare at his eyes. Those memorable eyes.
"Alois Trancy, your work has touched the Phantomhive Co. and I will do everything to work with Astre Co. " I said
Everyone clapped as I smiled " from now on , Phantomhive And Astre companies will be collaborating to expand."

Shieru got up and joined the stage "I'm very thankful for today and there will be a after party so please make yourself welcomed to the Astre Co. hosting party tonight and there we shall get to know each other more . Thank you ."

After the meeting I wanted to talk to Alois but there was no way I could. My assistant dragged me out of the Building "sir you must be prepared for the party" I nod as I got on my car to return back to the apartment.

Alois's POV

My heart was throbbing as I stared at myself in the mirror on the restroom. I bit my lip and i don't understand . . . I felt like i wanted to cry , why are emotions taking over me. There was no reason to cry but i was. I saw tears rush down my cheeks.

Am I still in love with Ciel Phantomhive ?

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