〖❤︎ Seventeen ❤︎〗⚠️⚠️SMUT⚠️⚠️

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⚠️⚠️WARNING: I recommend you not to read this if you are not a fan of hardcore smut.⚠️⚠️

Alois's POV

My eyes widened when I saw the room , he had a playroom in here too . Just a little different , this was less elegant but still it was so stunning. Ciel set me down and kissed my cheek as he was behind me . " the playroom is only for you . " his husky deep voice made goosebumps all over my body as I bit my lip . This is just what I wanted to hear . . . Him wanting me and giving me what I like . Jesus Ciel turned me into one of those begging subs for a beast like him. But Ciel was everything , he didn't only love to bring me on his playroom to play with me , he loved me in all ways , It's every persons dream have someone who truly loves them .
I walked to the closet and opened it as it was full of toys , god , some looked so worth a please , others seemed painful but some I didn't understand what they were for .
I grabbed the item " what's this?" I looked at it on my hand, behind me I hear his footsteps closer and he watched from my shoulder. " Plug Solid." He answered. " what does it do?" I looked over my shoulder. " hm... we call it Ass Intruder." He chuckled. My eyes widen " but.. it looks nothing like a dildo..." i looked at it .
"No, Love. It stretches you open as it intrudes your ass~" he chuckled.
I nod and put it back seeing 5 balls separated but put in order from small to biggest.  I took the big one that seemed about 70mm. I'm surprised Ciel keeps all these toys , it's just so interesting i want to try all of them with him .
I walked to a different showcase, this room must be filled with so many things small or big, it didn't matter all these things either cause pain or pleasure.

" Im going to give you your deserved punishment ." I heard Ciel say behind me. I turned and saw him getting some things from the closet. A chill ran down my spine , i stared at him " deserved ? " I asked . He closed the closet and walked to me and kissed my cheek . " you ran away . . . " he paused and then chuckled " you made my brother fall for you . I don't think I teach you well enough who you belong to , you keep running away , making fools fall for you . I'm disappointed ."
I bit my lip as his lips and his cold minty breath moved to my neck , his hand lifting my shirt as he took it off . He smirked as he looked at me , " strip out of your clothing . " he ordered . I know his rules , i must always obey him . And i did just that , i slowly stripped out of my Leggings starting at his eye , my fingers reached to my panties and more slowly pushed them down till they dropped to the floor on their own .
Just staring at his ocean blue eye that were concentrated on my body made me have goosebumps. I couldn't stand this feeling , I wanted him to touch me instead of watch me , I'm craving his touches, god I been craving for his lust.

" you slimmed more. Your body is more feminine than it used to be. " he said as he pulled his tie off . He unbuttoned his shirt until he took it off , revealing his muscular body. My eyes examined his body , I bit my lip before I spoke " you.. you builded yourself up more." I gazed up at his eye. He chuckled tossing his shirt on the floor , he pulled down his pants and boxers. I blushed when I saw lengthen cock. He took a few steps forward to me and pulled up a red silky blindfold , he covered my eyes and tied it behind my back , I was in darkness , it was my punishment. " keep in mind , There's no mercy in this room . " he warned me " safe words can't save you . "
My heart was pounding , but this is what I came here for , for Ciel , I want to satisfy him I want him to make it up for us , I want to be his for real if I could .

He carried me putting my stomach over his shoulder , I held onto him and felt a rough spank on my ass , I yelped but there was a small moan that escaped my lips.
He set me down I was on my stomach but this was some furniture I was put in , my knees could bend I was on all fours, I felt Ciel tie me up with restraints on my hands and legs.
" I'll be letting you enjoy my spanking bench~" Ciel said .

My legs began to tremble feeling the sensation of the atmosphere. I was ready but this will be filled of surprises.
Punishments can be tempting but they're not exciting as they sound, we are talking about sadist who take care of it. I started to feel nervous and I had one more question to ask Ciel before we began this . " Ciel — " I was stopped by a rough spanking on my ass , it must been a paddle , because it was just so rough and painful that I screamed tears coming out of my eyes under the blindfold, " you filthy whore. You belong to me. " he spanked me again I cried and gripped the bench my toes curling to at least help me be a little more stronger from the pain. " say it." He spanked me rougher I could just feel my ass numb. " I- I belong to you!" I moaned with half cries. " louder." He spanked me again as I yelped and gripped tighter . " I BELONG TO YOU!" I moaned , again he spanked me and i barely felt it . . For a few seconds he didn't continue so that's it , no more spanks.. i sighed in relief I could just feel my arms starting to tremble from my weakness.
I felt something inside me it went slowly inside stretching me wide open in my ass , i rested my head on my side of the bench as I slightly opened my mouth letting out a weak moan.
It was dreadfully painful , it must be that plug solid he told me about. It was big and entering inside me felt even bigger. I moaned as he kept pushing it in slowly going deeper until it hit the end. It was burning my insides, it could just knock down my walls.
" C-Ciel~!" I moaned between a cry . I wanted it out , it was stretching me too much and my ass was in pain from all the rough spanking.
" Ciel i belong to you ~" I panties out of breath.
He pulled it out making it worse, it was good after a while but pulling it out brought more pain, it left my inside wide I could just feel the cold air .
He took the restraints off me and picked me up. I moaned in pain , he laid me down on the bed , kissing my neck but then turned into a bite , I gasped and moaned " Ah~ Ciel~!" He wasn't being gentle . He was being so rough and it was just amazing but painful, I don't think I can continue but I must, it's his rules, he's my dominant and I must do and follow everything he says .
He wrapped his hand around my dick and stroked it , sending a desirable bliss in my body I moaned loudly . " ahhh~! Nghh~ Ciel~" I moaned .
" oh yes~" I never felt this much pain and bliss in my entire life, why do I want more?
He kissed down my chest to my stomach and still trailed down to where he was stroking me . He licked my dick, sending vibrations to my whole body. I gripped the sheets and bit my lip.
I didn't see this coming... he inserted something in my dick, paining me I screamed. "W-whats that?" I shudder. " a nail, but it's a penis plug~" he said. I guess this will forbid me from cumming.
" Alois..." I felt him pull me more down to him, he lifted one of my leg up placing it on his shoulder. " Ciel..~" I bit my lip .
I felt his hard rock enter me, gosh... it was huge enough to stretch me more I moaned "oh yes fuck daddy~" i gripped the sheets tighter. This pleasure feeling was too good.
He thrusted burning my insides, i cried, curling my toes and panting, I was a blushing mess, including a moaning mess.
The thrusts turned into slams. He slammed against my hips, giving me more pain than I already was. He put my leg down and flipped me as I got on all fours, he didn't pull back, he was still thrusting.
He hit my sweet spot, i blushed more , his hands gripped my ass spreading them to allow his hard cock more easier access to thrust in me, it was so painful.... but it was so good ~
He slammed a hard thrust and spanked my ass as it jingled.
I bit into the pillow, good god... I wanted to cum already but I couldn't, it burned.
I felt my tears soak on the blindfold . I moaned on the pillows but my moan was muffled. "Ciel!!~" I needed to cum.
I felt his hot sticky cum shot inside me, filling me up. I rested my head on my side and moaned in bliss.
He continued to thrust , i panted , my breaths were shaky , he kept thrusting, I cried " Ciel... I need to cum~" I was hoping he would listen, he never does , he loves to make me feel pain. It was his type of bliss.
I sobbed " Ciel please it hurts !" I could feel his cum slid down my both legs. I was so filled up with his hot cum.
He slowly stopped thrusting, his hand reaching to my dick and he took out the nail. Finally shooting my cum out on the bed sheets. He slowly pulled out and god I felt so much of his cum dripping out of my hole.
I was covered in sweat, he took the blindfold off. I could see the brightness, slowly getting my vision back I turned my head to see Ciel panting , he was also covered in sweat . I moved to my side and collapsed on the bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to catch my breath, this was beyond the most amazing sex i ever had with Ciel.
He crawled on top of me. I smiled as he leaned down capturing my lips in a kiss, it wasn't just a normal kiss , it was a fierce kiss yet it showed passion in it. I opened my mouth as he slid his tongue inside exploring my inside. I moaned in the kiss, how I missed this.
I was so glad I came here.

But... shieru... —
How can I explain to him that i love Ciel more than him. Ciel is winning me. Ciel is having all of me. And i actually love being Ciel's.

We departed from the kiss, " i love you, Alois." He caressed my blushing pink cheek with his hand.
I smiled and stared at his eyes holding onto his hand. " I love you too, Ciel."
He picked me up bridal style and walked us out of the playroom to his room, laying me down on bed he laid down next to me and pulled me in for a cuddle.
" you're not going to see my brother anymore. That's final."
I didn't know what to say but I nodded.
" good. " he stroked my hair and kissed my forehead.
I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep so quick, i was exhausted from today.
It was a long day, but perfect to end up in Ciel's arms.
I felt safe. And I should feel safe right?

I don't think Ciel would ever purposely hurt me emotionally.

Ciel X Alois【Ambitious Love】Where stories live. Discover now