〖❤︎ Seven ❤︎〗

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I felt a body push me. I open my eyes to see Shieru on top of me.
He stared down at me but his leg was squeezing my thigh.
I bit my lip, as I stared into those blue eyes.
Not able to hold it any longer, his knee was close to my upper thigh. And this position...
Shieru on top of me and pinning me down on the ground...god could this get any exciting?
I moaned softly "ah~"

Shieru's POV

What's this?
My ears went burning but so did my face.
Did my assistant just.... Goodness...
"A-Assistant Trancy?"
God am i not being myself at the moment..

"S-Sir your knee..." he frowned staring at me as he bit his lip again.
"Eh?" I glanced down when I realized why he performed such an inappropriate thing because of an accident of mine.
My face hurt I felt like I was burning I quickly took action and moved away.
"I apologize.... Mr. Trancy." I held out my hand to help him up.
He took it and I lift him, he was back on his feet but this was an awkward moment for the both of us.
We walked to the store, when we entered there was many people making their purchases, I only came here to buy My Assistant a gift, a needy one indeed.
We were surrounded by technology everywhere some were my company's brand. We were building the future. And that was exactly what we have to do on our projects to impress the Phantomhive Co.
I walked down the store grabbing two boxes of Wireless earbud headsets.
There was a sound of items be dropped
"Ah excuse me sir, I'm so sorry...-" I heard my assistant apologized I turned my head, a man must have crashed with him.
I waited for him watching My Assistant pick up the items and return them to the man. He smiled at him, but looking at the other Sir's face was filled with some kind of want.

"But you dropped my things and I just bought them what if they're broken because of you?! How about you come with me and give me a better apology!" He took my Assistants arm.
I glared and walked over to them, gripping the mans arm. "Those items are in a box which means they're not damaged at all, now why don't you take your fucking hands off him" I twisted his arm, he let go of my Assistant.
I gave him the death glare and just with that he was gone than ever.
"Stay close to me, Mr. Trancy." I took his hand and walked to the check out lane.

When I bought the things we walked out I handed him his box.
"We both will be using these to speak to each other at home or any other location where we are apart. This is part of our work, nothing personal."
I saw him take it, he smiled and gave a gentle nod.
"Alright let me drop you home." I began to walk back to my car.

Alois's POV

I felt relieved that my boss saved me back there who knows what would have happened if I was alone.
He bought us a pair of earbud headsets not sure why he wants this when we can easily just call by phone, maybe he's too picky and want everything so professional.
I smiled at the thought of that.
This man is ambitious to his work, I wouldn't blame him, work needs to be done without it we all would be in a different world.
We got back in his car and while he drove I took the technology out the box and turned it on, it got paired with my phone and seemed more easier and faster to answer calls and hear them better.

"I don't mind you calling any time of the day." He spoke.
I turned my head and looked at him. "Any time?" I Questioned wasn't exactly sure why he said that.
"Could be when you're out there clubbing or with your friends at a bar. If anything happens don't hesitate to call me to help or just to give you a ride, your safety matters to me, as my assistant, I need you to be in good health conditions." He said
I nodded as reply of understanding.
"Yes Sir, I'll make sure to call you anytime I need you." It felt weird saying that last three words.
Shortly after we arrived to my apartment. I got off and smiled at him. "Goodnight Mr. Phantomhive." But just when I was about to get off he pulled me back as our hands touched.
"And I need you....the whole company does. Without you, I'm sure our company would been nothing now." He said
I smiled that made me feel welcomed, I don't regret being here or working where I do now.
"Thank you." I said with a soft voice. He let go of me and I got out, I went to my apartment and sighed softly. Today was so weird. Especially when I... flopped back on my bed and grabbed my pillow screaming into it.

how embarrassing I moaned in front of my boss Can this get any better?
Gosh Alois stop taking everything so sexual!
What has Ciel done to me?
I miss his touch... and if it was him who was on top of me, god knows what he'd do right there and at that moment, I blushed.

I seriously need to move on and stop thinking about Ciel...

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