〖❤︎ Sixteen ❤︎〗

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Ciel's POV

"I disagree, the public must know that , Alois Trancy belongs to me." Came out of my brother's mouth.

I glared and grabbed Alois's arm pulling him to me.

"Alois is not yours and never will be. I claimed him , he will always be mine. " i had Alois behind me.
My brother crossed his arms shooting an ugly glare at me. "I don't believe so . then why was Alois here in New York all on his own when danger could have approached him . " that bastard had a smirk as if he was sure he'd win .

"This is nothing you should stick your nose on!" I growled. " Ciel -" I felt Alois grab my arm "please calm down" he tugged onto my sleeve.
"Actually it is , you see , It seems like i have feelings for Alois , and he's become my first priority
I couldn't stand my older brother talking like this , it was always him who took everything I love away from me . Everything I always wanted he ended up having it in his hands . He'd looked down at me . But ever since my company became more successful than his he had anger and jealousy. I never saw this coming , him wanting Alois . I would give up my company and the world for him . Alois means everything to me and I'm not letting anyone take him away . Without him , I'm nothing , I have no reason to continue my life , this fucked up life .

" ridiculous . I'll give you the whole Phantomhive Co including the Astre Co. you'll be the CEO of both companies. " I said
He gave me a look , that look that I just knew what he was planning on doing , and it pissed me off .
" hm . . Actually , I'm sorry my dearest brother but I want Alois more than anything right now. Besides I had claimed him recently ~" he smirked.
"... wait what... ? It can't be him who raped me when I couldn't remember of that night... " i heard Alois muttered to himself.

"You fucking sick bastard!" I growled and gripped his collar throwing a hard punch on his face.
He pulled me down and punched me. I strangled him and punched him harder.
We called all the attention in the whole room.
"Stop!" I Heard Alois Yell , i turned and caught eyes with him , he was in tears , it made me stop and freeze as my heart ached when I saw those tears on his eyes , he was so sad , i could just see it right there , still anger flame inside me , he could be crying because of what my brother did . I felt a hard punch and fell back as shieru straddled me and punched me . But Alois said stop . If I continue I'll upset him more , that's not what i want . I pushed my brother off me and stood up , securities rushed in and pulled us apart . They grabbed me " take him away from here. " shieru demanded as he cleaned his bloody nose .
"Alois.." I stared at his eyes , we were making eye contact , his icy blue eyes stared at mine , I watched shieru hug him and held him close to him. But he didn't break contact with me until I was out of the room.

Alois's POV:

I hugged shieru, my heart was beating inside. I was scared and shocked. "Let's take you home. " shieru whispered in my ear.
I nod , " yes I'm uncomfortable being here any further after that..." he began to walk me out. We got in his car and he didn't drive to my house he drove to his house. " shieru..." i looked at him.

" no it's alright my house is always lonely and I love your company." He got his car inside the garage and we got off, getting inside the house . "Welcome back sir shieru Phantomhive " The House greeted his master and the lights turned on automatically.
"Alois, I'll get you some clothes." Shieru walked upstairs and disappeared. I sat down on the couch and hugged myself flashbacks from earlier. Ciel... he had changed a lot I almost didn't know him. He was more stronger and god the way he fucked me in the bathroom was just so unforgettable... I can just feel the pain inside me. I bit my lip as I thought of it, how he was putting it inside me so nice and slowly that it painfully hurt. Besides he's trying to give me an explanation to fix himself... I should hear it , I'm going insane without him.
A side of me wants Ciel but the other side of me wants me to move on it's impossible...
I saw shieru walk down the stairs and handed me a pair of clothes.

"Thank you.." I smiled at him. " you're welcome" he smiled back. When I stared at him that question popped in my head, i need an answer, was he the one who did that to me when I was wasted that night?
"Shieru, if you don't mind , can I ask you if—" i stood up and looked at him " was it you who had sex with me when I was drunk and I didn't remember anything that night." I gripped the clothes. He looked at me " why do you ask ?" He waited for me to reply, I don't know why I feel scared when I shouldn't. " because I want to know. " We stared deep into each others obs.
He laughed and walked closer to me. " Alois . . . " he cupped my cheek and smirked glancing at my lips then back at my icy blue eyes. " will you be mad if I did?"
My heart was close to dropping but staring into  his eyes was a different meaning that stopped it from dropping. " depends." I moved my head away and stared at the air on my side. " Alois." He pulled my chin close to his. " I would die for you, I would fix any small thing. I am in love with you, Alois Trancy. I don't want to make things wrong and if I did I'll fix them. I promise." He pulled me in for a kiss.

I didn't know how to feel , my feelings were mixed up, i don't know who I love anymore. Maybe the Phantomhive brothers are just the same. I broke the kiss and sighed , " I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." I walked upstairs and got in a guest room I took off my dress and make up getting into the fresh pair of clothes shieru got for me. I got in bed at 9pm , just staring at my side thinking of Ciel and shieru, I  Looked at the clock it was now 12am. I sighed, i can't sleep maybe i need fresh air. I got out of bed and sneaked out of my room going downstairs and got out the house, i crossed my arms to warm myself from the cold outside. Where is Ciel staying, i May sound like a creepy stalker but i decided to search up in the web where Ciel lives in NYC.  With relief i found the name of the apartment, i but my lip, why am i doing this? I called an Uber. I'm going too far Alois-
I got in the Uber when it got here, " please take me to the tower of the Central Park. When I arrived it was a tall tower beautifully elegant from the out and inside. I started to get a bad nerve when I walked inside the building, what am I doing?
I walked to the front desk and smiled at the lady. " I'm here for Mr. Phantomhive."
She smiled and shook her head " I'm sorry I won't allow to give you any information about Mr. Phantomhive, now will you please excuse yourself from here." She said. " no." I heard a voice call out, i turned and saw Ciel. "Oh I'm sorry mr. Phantomhive, today most paparazzi lie to us and we lost trust on people who walk in and ask about you."
"It's alright. Ah Alois." He looked at me, I walked over and he lead me to the elevator, when we got to his floor it open to a beautiful large open space habitat . "Alois what brings you here?" We walked out the elevator.
" I wanted to see you." I looked at him.
" Thats... a surprise to hear you say." He looked back at me the look on his face was well described with his words.
I looked at him and bit my lip nodding. " I want to hear what you been trying to tell me.. I never gave you time to explain yourself." I sighed softly.

" I would love to explain everything but I don't think you'll believe me." He walked to me and lifted my chin close to his . " I know how you are Alois. But honestly let's put a pause to all of this. I miss your skin." He leaned to my neck and placed a kiss . I bit my lip and my breath shuttered. I miss this too . " I want you , Alois. I want you again. " he picked me up , I gasped and held tightly onto him. " I think you deserve something. " he walked up the steps on the stairs leading us to a room. He opened the door and I turned my head to see the playroom.

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