〖❤︎ Eleven ❤︎〗

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( I tried to make the edit .-. I suck )

Alois's POV

In the morning I woke up, something wasn't right...I had a pain in my ass. I sat up and moaned. God it hurts. I looked down and I had no clothes on. Oh fuck. fuck.. I.. what? I can't remember what happened last night... no I can't remember anything from yesterday but at work...
I got up and winced, it hurts to walk... but... what I'm more worried about is who did I have sex with? I can't remember anything!
I felt tears rush in my eyes , I feel violated , I was raped, I thought of Claude, and the past, this is the second time it's happened. I walked inside the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror, I had hickeys and marks on my neck. Someone definitely fucked me up...

I quickly took a shower and  got changed, I applied make up on my hickeys. Quickly running to get my stuff to head to work.
I got off the cab and ran inside but it was weird no one was there. I heard the elevator doors open, I saw shieru walking out he saw me and smiled "you look like you were in such a rush. Did you forget today there's no work?"
I Deadpan "w- what?"
"Today we celebrate. Well the workers celebrate no work day, our company is finally organizing the meeting, it's going to be a huge success, thanks to you Mr. Trancy"  he smiled and walked closer finally two steps away from me.
I smiled back "Ah.. thank you Mr. Phantomhive. You're very sweet, but I honestly am happy doing this for the company." I sighed happily, finally I was successful!

"Indeed. Well then, how about we spend today together?" He asked me.
I was shocked. Us hanging out? Why would he want to? Didn't expect to be asked out by the infamous anonymous Phantomhive.
"Of course sir! I will always gladly accept your offers!" I smiled.
"Ah perfect, lets go now shall we?" He opened the door for me, I walked out the Astre building with shieru got in his car and he drove to a farm.
I looked over at him with a surprised look. " a farm ?"
"Yes a farm" he looked at me and smiled.
I giggled and looked outside the window seeing horses running others eating, the horses were beautiful.
"What are we going to do here?" I asked him glancing back at him.
"We're going Horseback Riding" He said and drove inside the farm parking as we both got out.
I walked closely next to him " i never really done this before.." i said nervously. Trying new things are scary especially when they can be dangerous like those horses.

"Don't worry, I'll teach you." He gave me a reassuring smile.
I nodded and a farmer whom is the owner walked out his house with a smile on his face. "Shieru! You're back! Glad to see you!" He walked over to my boss and hugged him. He was old, around his 60-70's.
"Yes Mr. Willie." He smiled at him.
"Oh and you brought a little friend over?" Mr. Willie looked at me. "Oh right, let me introduce you to my assistant, Alois Trancy, Assistant Trancy, meet Jack Willie , he's my good old friend who helped me since I was a kid.

I smiled and shook hands with Mr. Willie " a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Willie."
"Oh pleasure is all mine" he smiled and cracked a laugh.
"Ah Yes,  I will bring out the horses." He walked "follow me."
We both followed and I glanced at shieru, he was staring ahead.
Once we reached to the backyard in the farm Mr. Willie took out a two horses out their gate , a white and a black horse."Here they are. You two take care I must go help my wife inside" he handed the bridle to shieru.
Shieru looked at me and my eyes widen "oh no. No no. No way I'm going first." I laughed nervously.
"Come on, I'll help you. Trust me, you'll have fun riding it." He said.
I sighed softly and nodded. I put my foot on the stirrup of the White Horse. I felt two hands around my waist , shieru lifted me up helping me get on it, i sat on the seat and held on the reins.
"You're good?" He asked as he looked up at me. I smiled and nod. "I'm good."
"Alright lets go." He got on his horse black horse. He stayed next to me but not too close or the horses would crash into each other. It was relaxing but bumpy. "Alois..." he spoke.
I turned my head to look at shieru "Yes sir?"
"Call me shieru, please." He smiled. We're now going by the first names.
"Sorry shieru." I apologized. "It's okay, anyway, I been thinking, do you know Ciel Phantomhive, more than just a boss?" He looked at me straight in the eyes , his eyes were curious and wanted a firm answer.

Why is he asking me this?

".... do I have to answer this?" I asked
"No you don't. I just wanted to know, it's related to the company and work that's all." He smiled.

I nod. "Well I would tell you. I knew Ciel—" I was interrupted by a gunshot. I gasped and my horse got out of control, getting on his both rear legs while his front were up in the air as it panicked. Suddenly it started to run fast forward. "Shieru!!" I screamed.
"Alois!" I gripped hard on the reins trying to figure out how to control the horse or calm it. My eyes widen as I saw the horse running directly over a dead end.
"Shieru!!!!" I screamed louder.
I turned and saw Shieru coming with his horse.
"Alois Im coming hold on, make sure to pull the reins back!" He yelled.
He was getting closer , I nod and pulled the reins back but the horse didn't slow down. "Not working!" I yelled.
I saw shieru past me and got in front of my horse just a couple of feet away, finally my horse took a sharp break stopping, shieru got off his horse and got me off mine. I hugged him close to me. "That...was horrifying..."
"I'm so sorry.. I'm sorry." He held me close.
"We have to leave, now" He pulled away and stared into my eyes. I nod.

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