〖❤︎ Thirteen ❤︎〗

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Alois's POV

We both walked out the mall with bags on our hands . " Shieru thank you so much " I thanked him , he brought me clothing and fancy accessories for the meeting and the after party the company was having . "No need to thank me , you deserve it for all your hard work and as a thank you from the company ." He smiled .
That smile , the smile was so perfect on his lips . I nodded " well I really am thankful . " a valet guy came to the front with Shieru's car . He got out and opened the doors for us , we got in the car as Shieru got on his drivers seat , we closed the doors and placed the bags on the back seats .
" now off we go ." He drove off .
" where are we going now ? " I smiled and looked at him .
" well , i wanted you to help me with something , and so I am taking you there . " he said as he drove into the street .
"I'll be glad to help , but what is it about ?" I asked a bit confused but curious.
"Oh you'll see once we get there "
Great , he never likes to tell me , this man is full of surprises.

After a 30 minute drive we arrived in front of a automatic guarded gate with two large letters , 'S.P' on the front . There were surveillance cameras . Shieru presses a button on his car as the gates opened automatically. He drove his car in as there was a large fountain in the middle and behind it there was a large Mansion , it was almost like Ciel's Mansion but this one has more of a futuristic style .
"Is this your home?" I turned my head to him . He smiled at me " Yes it is , surprised ?"
" nope , I'm not surprised , I knew the CEO/President of Astre company would own a house this big " I smiled
" sounds like you been around and have gotten used to being around the richer ." He said .
I laughed " You're not wrong ."
"Oh so you have rich friends?" He looked at me as he parked his car in the middle.
"Not anymore . " I sighed as I could think of one person .
He got out his car and opened my door . " don't worry , you got me as a friend and your boss " he held out his hand . I smiled and took it gently getting out the car .
" now let me take you inside my home . " he walked to his door and with his touch on the doorknob there was a small sound and the sound of the door unlocking itself , he opened the door as the lights automatically turned on and a voice called out from the house . " welcome back Sir Shieru Phantomhive ." The electric fireplace lit up on its own.
I was amazed , everything inside seemed to be built by a futuristic person . " come . " he stared at me and i followed him . We walked upstairs each step I took on the stairs they lit up in colors . I smiled , this was so cool , but what am I supposed to help him with ? I don't understand , if he wants me to help him with something that broke down his home I'm unable to fix it , just saying , I don't think I'm smart for these types of futuristic technology .
I finally noticed I was still holding his hand , i felt a blush creeping to my cheeks and I held on his .

He lead me to a room that seemed like an office . He let go of my hand and walked to his desk pulling out his laptop.
"Would you mind if you sign this?" He took out his ipen and folded his laptop handing it to me. It seemed like it was a contract , and he wanted me to sign it ?
"What's this for ?" I asked
"Well this is where you earn your full promotion to show the other president of the company who is coming over , show them proof that you have done this work yourself , but I will be responsible for any mistake . " he smiled .
I stared down at the screen and read only the first which referred to the Shieru being responsible. I signed the contract with my first and last name, handing it back to him with a smile on my lips . "There. Was that all , shieru?" I giggled.

"Actually." He set his laptop on his desk " would you like to stay for dinner?" He asked as he stared into my eyes .
I smiled " I wouldn't mind."
"Perfect , lets go to the kitchen . You can watch me be a chef and cook for us ." Shieru chuckled . " how romantic " I joked , we both laughed and walked downstairs to the kitchen .
I sat on a stool and rested my elbows on the table as I watched shieru take off his jacket , he lifted and folded his sleeves from his shirt and put on his apron on .
"What's on the menu tonight, chef ?" I giggled
"Well I hope you don't mind a nice grilled salmon fish with seasoning and lemon , as for the side we'll have some fresh green vegetables " he grabbed a pan as the stove was on " I don't mind , it sounds delicious ~ " I watched him add olive oil on the pan and he added the salmon fish.
" perfect , now let's make a small show shall we? " He played with the pan and flipped the fish throwing it up in the air and caught it back on the pan , he added some oil causing the pan to throw a large fire up .
"Woah!" I felt my jaw drop . This was actually entertaining .

After a few when he finished cooking we sat there in the table as we ate and spoke , we laughed together at some jokes from the small show he did , " what if the kitchen caught fire?" I laughed . " it's impossible , i been trained to be a good chef when I was a kid" he ate
This is where I started to have these questions i wanted to have them answered from the beginning . Is he related to Ciel ? What happened why are they separated and why do they have their own separated companies ?
" speaking about your childhood , do you have any siblings ?" I asked
He looked at me and paused for a moment before he spoke . " I do ."
"And who is it ?" I raised an eyebrow .
" you'll see soon . " he smiled
Seriously? Again. Ughh shieruuuuu ...
" where did you grew up then ?"
"I was mostly raised here in New York all my life . I didn't exactly have parents, they were just looking out for me and that family that took me in teach me many things with Mr. Willie . " he smiled
Now that explains why he and Mr. Willie seemed so close.
"Ah so you were an orphan?" I asked
"Seems like it ."
"I'm one too." I smiled, he stared at me as he gave me a warm smile . " we relate a lot don't we ? " he said
"What do you mean?"
"Well we both are orphans and we are smart and look at where we are now." He ate .
That was true. I stared at his eyes feeling my heart beating.
"That's funny but smells fishy." I tried not to smile.
Shieru cracked Up " how clever, Alois ." We both laughed.

I got off his car , shieru had drove me to my apartment. "Alois Wait." He got off and walked to me . "Yes?" I turned and saw him.
"Tomorrow is the meeting. Here." He handed me my bags . "Oh right thank you. Also thank you for dinner tonight , it was so delicious and it was fun" i smiles up at him . He nodded. "It was quite amusing. Especially with you. Alois . . . I'll see you tomorrow ."
"You too , Shieru." We stared into each other's eyes, it was a silent moment until I saw he leaned down closer to my lips , his hand cupped my left cheek and pulled me into a kiss.
It was .... new. I slowly kissed back. Snowflakes falling from the sky , we pulled apart. "Go inside now, i don't want you to catch a cold." He whispered softly. I nodded . " thank you for tonight shieru." I walked inside my apartment. I bit my lip . " what the heck just happened." I squealed . I put the bags on the table and jumped on my bed taking out my phone and texted Eric.

E: :000 bitch tell me, what's the tea sis-!
Me: so i just finished having a kiss with someone.
E: omfg WHO?!
Me: okay call me crazy but , It's a identical twin who looks exactly like Ciel
Me: yeah but I doubt he's Ciel's brother I mean he grew up in New York, he's completely different from Ciel , he owns his own company , he's an orphan , and Ciel did let me meet his parents so this is the only evidence I have but their last names are the same which has me doubting it.
Eric: Holy fuck Alois , that's actually a coincidence , you broke up with Ciel whom you loved so much and an identical twin walks in your life.
Me: I know right , plus oh my god he has attractive sides, he's funny and sweet, at first he was very serious but now he's just more different he's slowly opening up to me and showing me his private life. No one knows how he looks, he's been hiding his identity from people which is weird.
Eric; okay now that really is weird. He must be hiding something he doesn't want people to know? What if he actually is Ciel's twin that's why he's hiding?
Me: I don't know Eric , I actually been thinking about that for a while.
Eric: you'll figure it out soon if you date him which I assume you two are now *lenny* he will have to tell you the truth and be honest with you .
Me: uff - I hate you lol I don't think we are dating. And I'll figure it out soon.
Eric: well good luck ~ hehe
Me: haha thanks~ goodnight ~
Eric: good morning ~
Me: uff- good morning to you but goodnight to me I have a meeting tomorrow and it'll be a big day
Eric: :00 good luck bby~ c;

I rolled my eyes playfully with a smile on my face and charged my phone placing it on the night stand.
I'll find out the truth soon.


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