〖❤︎ Thirty One ❤︎〗

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Ciel's POV :

" he's not here young master , it's already been 22 hours we've been looking for Mr. Trancy ." Sebastian walked to me .
I picked up my phone dialing Alois's phone . It sent me  straight to voice mail .
" hey it's Alois , sorry I can't pick up the phone right now , uh just leave me a message or voice mail , I'll contact you as soon as possible , bye!" The recording said , I sighed when it was finally recording my message .
" Alois , I'm back home , I can't find you anywhere , please call me back it's an emergency , I need you here right now, if you hear this message , call me back ." I hang up ending the recording.
I held my phone close thinking where he could be.

I thought of what he could be doing soon I glared.
" let's go sebastian." I said walking to the elevator, we both got in on our way out I got in the car " to the Astre Co. , make it fast." I told the chófer .
The car began to go of course traffic was everywhere in New York and this bothered me.
I tapped my finger on the car's handler/ arm rest.
I'm so impatient, he cannot be near Alois , I swear if he's doing this again , I'm done with this dirty game.

When we arrived to the company , I walked in getting stares from all over the building. I gave a straight no emotion face . Walking over to the front desk I spoke to the employee there.
" I have a meeting with Shieru, actually more of meeting up with his assistant." I said looking at her.
" ah well I'm afraid, Sir shieru is away in a business trip with his assistant." She said

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuck—
" oh-? Well may I know where they are? " i asked tapping my finger on the desk.

She smiled " I'm sorry sir but I cannot share that with no employees, or any public it is all private business with Sir Shieru."


" ah alright thank you." I turned away and walked out the building with Sebastian behind me.
" where the bloody fucking murder is he. " I growled .

Alois's POV:

I woke up with the shed of sunlight shinning at my face
I turned to my side seeing shieru asleep peacefully, I looked down holding the sheets over my bare chest. I turned to face the peacefully sleeping Phantomhive, placing my hand on his bare chest, resting my head on his shoulder giving him soft tender kisses on his cheek.
" I love you. There's no doubt or mistake in that." I closed my eyes smiling softly.

Shieru's POV :

I woke up with Alois resting his head on my shoulder, cuddling me.
I smiled not wanting to wake him up but I have to, we have to return back to New York.
I kissed his head whispering softly " Morning , beautiful , we have to get going"

I heard a small mumble coming from the blonde.
" let's get up" I laughed softly " I moved him from my shoulder as he was now laying on his own I got on top of him placing kisses on his neck and tickling him as he laughed holding onto my arms, to stop me.
" haha shieru!" He giggled.
" I'll keep doing this til you get up with me" I chuckled
He giggled more sometimes letting out some small moans. " okay okay! I'll get up"
I got off him but pecked his lips.
We both got up and changed to get ready to leave.
When we had our bags ready to leave I handed Alois the key to the whole property. " it's yours now. Anytime you want to come and relax this will be your paradise." I smiled he smiled back kissing me. " I'll definitely come here this will forever be our special spot. This place means everything and a beautiful memory I'll never forget." He said .
I placed a tender kiss on his forehead while holding his hand. " good. "
We both walked to the ship, we were going spend another whole day in the ship.

After two days we arrived to my mansion.
We placed our things in my master bedroom laying down in my bed together we stared up at the ceiling.

Alois's POV:

" it's so dark, I'd like this more romantically done" he said I saw him grab a controller and pressed a button the ceiling's supposedly paint faded as it was a glass and we could see the stars shining up in the sky.
" Woah. Is your house all glass ?" I asked
" yeah thanks to technology these days , I can fool others and this house is very much secured." He smiled.
I stared into the sky " it is" i felt him take my hand on his holding it tightly.
This felt like everything, everything I wanted, I'm successful , I didn't want love to come between me but here I am, I've been doubting love for so long, but I'm finally going to settle at peace.
This is everything I've always wanted, love and protection.

I remember thinking about that in the bar back in London in my first day of work.
Love, I wanted real love.
Don't get me wrong I don't love people for their money, i was desperate at first to find true love.
After what happened with Ciel I never thought I'd be able to love again but thank god i was proven wrong.
Shieru proved me wrong, he gave me everything his heart has.
He's perfect. So perfect for me.

I'll have to meet up with Ciel soon and talk to him about this when he comes back from his trip.

Ciel's POV :

" Sebastian is there any sight of them yet?" I asked looking at the taller male.

" yes, the location of Alois's phone shows here, it's finally active and they may be an hour away from here." He said

" good, let's get going , I have no time to waste ." I got up.

I'm coming for you Alois, you'll be safe with me.

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