〖❤︎ Four ❤︎〗

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Alois's POV:

I walked inside the bar with my group of friends we all walked to a table and ordered food with alcohol drinks on the side for toast

"Celebrating for our friend's promotion!" Jennifer smiles hugging me.
Everyone yelled "Yeah!"
Seeing their reactions made me smiled
"Oh thank you guys so much."

"You deserve it!~" Jenny giggles giving me a hug.
The waiter came and took our orders, we chatted for a while until
The food came and we all ate, talked and laughed together.

"So what's the boss like?" Max questioned gulping his drink.

"Oh my god you haven't told me how he looks either got that picture? You definitely ditched me on lunch for him didn't you?" Jenny laughed

"Okay you didn't show up at lunch already having a sexual relationship with our boss damn Alois" Jeremy chuckled

I blushed and shake my head "what no!"

"Guys cut it-" Jacob drank his glass
"Don't joke around like that, today's his night let's celebrate it right not teasing him" he glanced at me.

I nodded "yeah please enough with the teasing"

"Aww fineeee well let's eat up!" Max ate

"I heard there's a big project coming up in a month" Jenny looked at us

"A big project?" I asked staring at her confused.

"Yup, there's been rumors that another company is coming over to watch our project and it is important for our Industry to be successful, if the other company doesn't find it interesting it might shut us all off and fire every employee in our work." She explained.

"That's sounds like bullshit." Jeremy ate his food

"Yeah what kind of douche would fire us we need money and they want to steal it and take it away from us? No way what a fucking joke" Max snarled

"Well we gotta work hard but wait till our boss explains us what to do" I said.

"Since you're the assistant it's probably going to be handed to you and you'll be responsible for it all" Jenny looked at me.

I froze, great, promotions are the best.

"You'll do great Alois, I know you will" Jacob placed his hand on my shoulder

I looked at him and smiled nervously

"We all do!" Jenny hugged me.

"Yeah you are a better worker than we are" Jeremy smiled

"I'm offended by that Jeremy-" Max chugged his glass of drink.

We all laughed

"Oh, fuck work!  right now let's celebrate!"
Max opened the champagne as it popped open throwing some spills out.

We got our glasses filled and cheered drinking it down.

We finished our food. Almost all of us were wasted.

I checked my phone seeing the hour it was 11pm
"Oh fuck... I'm supposed to finish the work or I'll be fucking screwed over" I got up and got out.

"Aw bye Alois see you to work tomorrow!" Max hit his face flat on the table.

"See ya Alois" Jeremy chugged the champagne bottle.

"Remember for a picture!" Jenny giggled drinking her shots.

I laughed and waved them off.

I waked out and felt the cold breeze.
"shit I forgot my coat..."

"Here." I felt a warmth coat wrapped around me.

I turned my head and saw Jacob.
I smiled gripping the coat close.
"Thank you Jacob, you don't look so wasted like the rest"

"Hahaha Yeah they had too much I had a few bottles. Should I take you home? It's dangerous in the streets in New York at a hour like this." He stared at me.

"I'm fine thank you my apartment isn't so far it's a few blocks away."
I smiled warmly at him.

"Alright, then be safe out there." He smiled at me.

I nodded "thank you Jacob, goodnight!"

"Goodnight " he watched me walk away and soon walked back inside the bar.

I held my papers close but I had this creepy vibe of being watched. I turned around but saw no one just dark lonely streets.
But I could hear some clicks.

I sped walked, hoping to get home already.
But it the truth was I lied, my apartment was far away. I hope the bus isn't closed yet...

I sped walked faster, hopefully there's a bus station nearby..
There was a pitch black car coming towards me the windows were tinted completely black.

I froze as it came closer towards me
But stopped a few steps away.
I got the chills as there was silence but the sound of the motor vehicle on.
Just soon the headlights turned brightly on I covered my eyes while I had my arm cover some shade so I could have a better look but It didn't help, the lights were so bright.
The door of the car opened, a foot stepping out , the person shut the door as they were completely standing beside their car door.


Who is it?

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