〖❤︎ Eighteen ❤︎〗

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Special chapter : Shieru's Chapter

Shieru's POV

// a few hours earlier //

" I'm tired. I'm heading to bed." Alois sighed and walked upstairs. I watched him disappear and i shoved my hands on my pockets, staring out of the window watching the snow. Something wasn't right, Alois isn't the same as he was before my brother arrived. Ever since that meeting he started acting strange. Of course he's fucking in love with a Liar. Im so angry, why Ciel ?! Ciel is nothing but a fucking weak ! I walked over to the bar I had in the kitchen and took out a glass of whiskey.
Im going to expose Ciel. Show Alois that Ciel is nobody. Ciel doesn't deserve anyone. He will only end up hurting Alois in all possible ways!!!
I poured my glass with whiskey and gulped it up . Why is Ciel not fucking smart enough , he knows what he's done and what he will keep doing , he can never be committed into a relationship, he's going to hurt Alois and I'm not letting that happen. I finished the glass of whiskey and walked upstairs getting in the shower half an hour I was done I got out and changed into sweat pants and a white shirt. I looked into the mirror and dried my hair. I couldn't stop thinking of Alois, I didn't want to intrude into his room so I didn't bother. I got in bed and stared at the ceiling.

Ciel is dangerous, he's more dangerous than people think , I can just remember the tragical new a few years back. He was at a party with our parents, I was invited so i went for a visit.  I remember that girl's look in her face , she was happy , but later that night she was found dead .
It's such a coincidence , she was my assistant years back , of course she fell in love with my brother , that didn't bother me , but since Alois arrived , he was already with my brother but broke up with him or something must have happened that separated the two of them.
He's strong , never seen anyone leave my brother , not a soul has the nerve to do it .
Alois is something much more precious , I'm not letting my brother damage him .
Ciel holds many dark secrets , secrets the world can't know of . The Phantomhive family is pretty fucked up on Ciel's generation, mother and father don't know a thing. That's why I refused to reunite with them , I refuse to let the world see me , I don't want some victims of the Phantomhive to fear me, the whole world knows that incident that happened years back .

I got distracted as I heard a noise coming from downstairs, I deactivated my house's robot therefore she won't be bothering all night. I got up and walked downstairs. There was no one , I sigh , I must be tired enough that I'm hearing things .
I stopped when I heard a car stop outside , curious of who knows where I live i check the window and see Alois get in a car .
What is he doing ? It's midnight and he's out ? I rush to get to my garage and get my car keys as I turn on my vehicle, when I get it I speed out of my estate following from long distance the car Alois got in .
Seriously where is Alois going and what is he thinking?
I followed behind from at least 30 feet away from his car , i turned my lights off as they went into the city , a few minutes later they stopped in front of an enormous luxurious apartment . When I saw the apartment I knew exactly where he was going.
" with Ciel . Alois you're doing a terrible mistake by walking in there ." I drove off .
I went back home as I felt my heart aching , why does this hurt so much ?
I gripped the wheeler and stared into the road , when I arrived back to my house I parked in the garage and went inside , I took out a glass of whiskey again pouring it down on my glass as I sat down in front of the fireplace .

Flashback :

" mom ! Auntie red is here ! " I giggled , Ciel walked next to me and coughed .
" good now you two will be here with aunt red while your father and I go out we won't be back till tomorrow so you two behave with aunt red Alright? Oh I love you two so much " mother pulled us in a hug .
Ciel and I giggled hugging our mother back . We watched her wave at us as I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up and saw aunt red as she put her hand on Ciel's shoulder as well . I had bad feelings about aunt red .
When our parents left weboth looked up at aunt red and she would tell us to go play and not bother her.
" you two know the rules , don't bother me , listen to me , obey whatever I tell you , don't speak back to me." She warned us. I took Ciel's hand " yes auntie red " we both would say at the same time. I walked with Ciel back to our room as we would play with our toys , until I was not comfortable being quiet to hide my thoughts . " hey Ciel ." I looked at him , he would stop playing and look back at me " yeah ?"
" don't you think auntie red is scary ?" I asked . He would stay quiet and go back at playing ignoring my question. " Ciel didn't you heard me ?" I would try again " isn't auntie red scary ?"
"Shieru i don't want to talk bad about auntie red." He would reply . " but it'll be a secret I won't tell anyone not even mom and dad "
"Shieru i don't want to talk about that , besides auntie red does take good care of us , she lets us do whatever we want " he said.
I doubted it for a second but nodded away anyway.
" CIEL ! " me and Ciel would jump and look at our door as auntie red would widely open our bedroom door .
" come on , dear." She would take Ciel away. Of course Ciel is the most obedient one from the entire family. He would look at me before he walked out and held auntie red hand.
I would just stare at them and aunt red would always tell me this " don't you dare come out of your room. Stay here and don't you find a way to get out of here." With that said she would close the door and lock it me in.

Hours would pass by and the door would open as Ciel would walk in , he would get in bed with me and give me some candy .
" Ciel ? " I turned and saw his stained tear face. " what happened?"
He wouldn't talk. I would hug him and only to hear him sob softly and wince in pain. Something wasn't right . I turned Ciel around and lifted his shirt up seeing bloody scars. " what happened , please let Big brother know I'm going to protect you. "
"I want to sleep . " Ciel would push his shirt back down and toss on the side to sleep .

When mother and father arrived next morning I would run to father , but Ciel would stay in his room all day coughing. Auntie red would leave and then it would be peaceful.
" father ,  I don't like auntie red. Can't we not see her anymore? Grandpa Tanaka can take care of us..." I looked at my father .
"I'm sorry shieru but auntie red should always take care of the both of you , because she takes good care of Ciel , she makes sure he doesn't has any asthma attacks or such. She's the only doctor we can count on." My father would tell me.

"But father—"
" no buts shieru. "
I sighed . Days and days would go by Ciel would come back to bed with more new bloody scars but he wouldn't tell me. I got angry . Until one day I fought with Ciel.
" YOU NEVER SAY SHIT!" I yelled at him.
" YOU DONT HAVE TO KNOW SHIT!" He yelled back
"HOW DARE YOU!" I smacked him. " since I can't know shit I can't protect you! I hate you ! You dont deserve my protection. That's why I'm going to runaway."
" you can't do that!" Ciel grabbed my arm. I pushed him as he fell on his back and winced.
I looked at him have tears in his eyes , but i didn't care , i packed .
" I ... please stop shieru! I do need your protection! ..... you know what ? it's better you leave." He said between cries.
" good. I was always going to anyway. " i left . Leaving my home behind. Leaving everything behind.


I finished the glass of whiskey. " he's not getting Alois from me, Alois I will give you all my protection. I swear I won't let you get hurt. And you'll never be around Ciel ever again."

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