〖❤︎ Eight ❤︎〗

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Shieru's POV

I walked into my building early in the morning, I unlocked it, yes i came before the work time, i couldn't let anyone see me not even workers, only my assistant did know.
I know this was completely ridiculous of me not showing myself to my workers or anyone in the building.
But I won't explain that now.
I went to my office and sat down on my chair, it was dark out around 5:30AM.

I glanced to my Assistant's Office, last night...
I recall blushing in front of him... why did he moan? Was he turned on ? Of course he was with my accidental position.
But not anyone would get turned on by just anyone. They'll rather push them off or kick them, but my assistant did nothing of that. That had me wondering for quite some time.

It was finally work in hour and I saw the door open, looking up I knew it was Mr. Trancy, he smiled at me and walked over to his office.
It was normal but the atmosphere felt different, it must be just me.
I glanced up from my work to see Trancy working, his pink lips look so kissable.. and those Icy Blue Eyes.
I never had an Assistant so attractive before, the old ones were too lazy and would slack off a lot but this one, this one is the one I been waiting to get on my hands.
I think this Assistant will do his best for the company but he seems like something else.
I'm curious to know about him.
I must get every information and details out of him.

"Mr. Phantomhive, I'm done with the work." I saw him walk in front of my desk and set down all the files.
I was surprised it only took him 3 days.
I went over his work and I must say I was very impressed... every detail was written well and persuasively, as a company it was our job to persuade our people about the product.

I looked up at him as he had a bit of worry on his face.
"Did I messed up with anything sir because if I did I would do it all over again" he said a bit of nervousness in his voice.

I smiled at him. "No, you did a outstanding job"

He sighed in relief and smiled back at me.
"I'm flattered to hear that from you sir."

I smiled more and rested my hand over my cheek staring at him.
"How about you and I go somewhere out tonight as a small celebration, my treat.
I can already see the success of this company because of your work." I told him.

He nodded his head "of course sir I would never decline anything from you, and it's a very generous offer."

Now this is the time.

Alois's POV

The boss kindly asked me to go dine with him tonight.
I thought that was very generous of him, I couldn't say no, besides I know I can trust him, he's never done anything bad.
He's very sweet and caring but I wonder why he doesn't like his workers to see him, and public doesn't recognize him at all because of him hiding himself. It's weird if Ciel is all over these advertisements and shieru is a twin I guess people are being fooled by that eyepatch-
Hehe oops never mind, of course Ciel lives in London and I bet he doesn't even know anything about America.
Wait I'm not calling him stupid... omg I'm rude.

When work was over, I and Shieru put on our coats. He opened the door for me and I walked out, the building was empty and so silent.
I pressed the elevator button and the doors opened, I got in with shieru and pressed the first floor button.
When the doors closed, we were silent, it was awkward but yet it wasn't.

"I'm proud to have you as my assistant."
He said.

I turned and looked at him, he was already looking at me.
"Thank you, sir. I'm flattered... again" I smiled softly.

"My past Assistant's disappeared after they stopped working for me" he said

That's weird...
"If I may ask... why did they?"

"Well. After I fired them, they... never returned or were seen walking this planet." He said emotionless.

I kept wondering what could possibly be..

"But, they did show up on the news in every couple of days." He added

I looked at him. "And? Was it good?"

"Not exactly, the news only reported their death."

The elevator doors opened and he walked out.
I followed after him, god... I feel awful for those people... I'm sure shieru must have had a hard time when he found out about that.

We walked out the building and he inserted a code outside, we walked down the steps to his car.

He drove somewhere far from the company but it was still in the city, it was beautiful here, the streets were never asleep like in London.
It was always shining with lights and always people around.
He stopped at a restaurant, not surprised he's rich of course he will stop and eat in a riches restaurant.
I'm used to this anyway. I've been spoiled enough in the past.

We got inside and ordered, had wine and some nice quality of steak.
I was enjoying this moment, I felt proud of myself, I was finally being successful with work and finally moved on from the past.
I'm happy.

Ciel's POV

I saw the photographer I hired walk in, he handed me a orange file.
"Thank you." I handed him a small bag in return and he walked out my office. I open the file taking out the pictures he took in New York City.
The first picture I saw was Alois walking in a building, one of him walking out at night alone, but something caught my attention, in one there was one where a black Bugatti was in front of him, I kept looking at other pictures and saw a male figure but it was dark to see who it was, I kept looking deeper into the pictures and soon I saw one where Alois was on the floor and the same male figure was on top of him. There was no clear identification of who this male was but there's someone definitely with Alois.
I glared and stared at the last picture of Alois walking in public.
He was more happier in this picture...
I hate to know he's better and happier without me.
It made me jealous, maybe that guy must be his boyfriend?
I threw the pictures on my desk and got up.
I have to pack, besides the meeting is not far away. I picked up my phone and dialed my services in NYC they picked up. "Have my Apartment ready, I'll be arriving there tomorrow morning."

I'm coming for you Alois Trancy.

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