〖❤︎ Ten ❤︎〗⚠️SMUT⚠️

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Alois's POV

He pulled away placing kisses on my neck, i bit my lip with a smile. How I missed this... he nibbled on my sweet spot making me weak that I moaned softly.
He sucked it marking his territory on me.
Excited for this I hold his shoulder and spread my legs open for him.
He finished sucking my neck, our eyes met,  a smile on my lips, I placed my hand on his cheek cupping it, he looked at my hand and i spoke "I want this"
His eyes came back to mine soon a small smirk seen on his lips.
"I know you do." His hands ran down my waist to my hips, his finger pulling down my panties. I giggled and watched him work on my them, he slid them all down my socks and legs until he tossed them across the floor.
I was impatient... I wanted to feel him inside, I was throbbing and needed him in me right now.
"I.. need you.. so bad.." I frowned when he looked up at me.

"So desperate~" he chuckled

Shieru's POV

He was desperate for this. How... interesting. He is like a pet.
Why do I feel like I'm going to enjoy this?

I unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my pants taking off my shoes and socks then slid down my pants.

I looked up at my assistant seeing him with a hankering look. He was biting his lip, his eyes focused on my face and body.
I chuckled, how cute.

I took off my boxers, letting them drop on the floor.
I got back in the bed and smirked licking the edge of his lip , my hand wrapping around his member. He gulped and bit his lip harder.

"You wanted this." I began to stroke him.
He refused to moan , I see , he prefers the hard ways. I wonder if that's how my brother did him, since he seems to be yearning for the rough.

I licked his jawline and my hand sped up with the stroke.
Finally I could hear a small moan escape his lips, he moaned in my ear.
This is were I begin to get hooked.
His moans were soft and sweet, I focused on my job , I nibbled on his collarbone.

"I... I want you inside me... please, Ciel~" he said out of breath his voice a bit hasty.
I don't think the name excited me , but I refuse to stop.

"Suck me " I said with a demanding tone.
He nodded slowly, I moved my hand away , he changed position getting on his knees on the bed.
I laid back on the headboard of the bed , he took my length and licked the tip.
I felt a rush of blood on my cheeks.
He licked the sides then took me completely in his mouth , he sucked me his big icy blue eyes looked up as they locked eyes with mine.

I felt more heat on my cheeks , it was burning , but fucking hell , My Assistant is too fucking good.
Those eyes , they are so memorable .
They're lucky eye color.
He bobs his head deep throating me.
Fuck fuck fuck~
I've never felt this kind of rush ~
This was more exciting than with girls.

I bit my lip and watched my Assistant suck me off. I could feel my climax reaching so I began to thrust on his mouth , my length going deeper inside his throat , I heard him choke . I chuckled pulling his hair back to see him, he stared at me and moaned , he didn't mind the choke he deepened his head , again choking , he was enjoying it , but so was I. All this excitement blasted, I came in his mouth.
He moaned and I pulled away he had my sticky white cum dripping out of his lips.
He swallowed what was in his mouth and licked his lips.

"Master tastes good~" he said. I was surprised, I've never met such a submissive. "Get on all fours." I demanded. He did, he got on his hands and knees, seeing his legs shake a bit.
Must admit, he's got a nice ass~
I've never done this, I've never had affairs with my employees , it's against the rules , but as the head of the company , I may do as I please , besides , My Assistant asked for it, not me.  And for my curiosity , I decided to give it a try , this won't affect anything , it means absolute nothing .

I took my erected Cock and placed my other hand on his ass spreading it , sliding my dick inside his hole. I heard a loud gasp , I slowly entered inside him.
He cried "ahh ~ Master ! Please ! Fuck me !~"
This was so entertaining and fun ~
I smirked "I'll give it rough~" I began to thrust.
He screamed and moaned, his hands were gripping the sheets.
"Y-you're so big~" he said half a moan.
I stared down his body was a sweet soft of porcelain he was like a doll.
Tempted to cause him pain... I want to hear him scream loud.
I slammed into his hips pushing him , Sure the thrust was a single long hard deep thrust. Gripping the sheets helped him keep his balance, he screamed and winced in pain. "Ah!~ fuck! Please more!" He cried.
Impressive, I'm enjoying this a little too much~
I slammed into him again, repeated the process with the constant thrusts, until I felt a tight and steamy spot, it must be his sweet spot.
I thrusted again in the spot It felt tight, he moaned and cried. "Y-Yes!~" He said half out of breath.
I smirked and threw my head back holding his hips and began to speed up my thrust, repeatedly hitting his sweet spot he was a moaning mess, "oh yes! Fuck yes! Harder!~" he moaned.
I thrusted more and moaned softly, I felt myself release inside him, I felt like I came too much than I ever have.
Alois moaned in bliss, I pulled away and saw cum dripping out of his hole, he was filled up with my cum, this was so attractive.
He dropped on the bed and panted heavily.
My body was sweating there was so much heat in here. I watched Alois pass out right after sex. I chuckled , walking to the bathroom and cleaned myself up, I got back in my clothes and saw him sleeping in his bed, I got a blanket on the side and covered him , I watched him sleep for a while, his eye leashes were beautifully dark, his skin was a beautiful porcelain color,his lips were so pink and soft, giving me a urge to kiss them, i leaned and kissed his lips with mine. All of him was gorgeous. I stood up and got my car keys out my pocket. "Goodnight , Assistant Trancy." He kisses his head and walked out the apartment.

Ciel X Alois【Ambitious Love】Where stories live. Discover now