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Jisoo woke up to the mechanical sound coming from the ventilator on the side of her bed. Her eyes slowly opened until she can finally see clearly. She tried to move her head to her side and saw the lights that escaped from the small gap of the curtains. She started to sob through her ventilator mask when she couldn't feel her body move and the fact that she didn't know where she was or what had happened to her.

 She started to sob through her ventilator mask when she couldn't feel her body move and the fact that she didn't know where she was or what had happened to her

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"Jisoo, dear."

Jisoo stopped crying when a hand took off her mask. Jisoo watch the middle-aged man looking at her worriedly. The man started to caress her face gently until Jisoo finally found her voice to speak.

"What's going on? Where am I? And who are you?"

"Jisoo, love. It's me. Your father."

The man took the opportunity to embrace his daughter as Jisoo continued to cry on his shoulders this time. The man finally let go of her and took her hand in between his.

"You'll be okay." The man assured. "I will never let them hurt you ever again."

Jisoo didn't answer and just stared at the man who called himself her father. Jisoo didn't know if it was true since she lost her memories but Jisoo somehow felt some connection with him and she just let her feelings take her to his side this time.

"It's just you and me now, Jisoo."

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