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"Mum! I'm home!" I screamed in rage as soon as I stepped foot on the worn out floor in my house.

I forcefully ripped my shoes off of my feet and threw them across the living room. One smashing an already smashed vase that sits next to the television. I take my hair out of the aching high ponytail it was in and shoot the band towards the old cat that was sitting on the couch. It's my neighbours cat, but if it wants to somehow get inside and keep me company, it can come in any fucking day.

"Dad?" I called questionably when I see a pair of legs on the floor behind the wall. I walk around and look at the familiar face of the selfish piece of shit. "Get the fuck up dad!" I kicked his leg.

It was just the usual routine for me to find him passed out after school because he drank too much. The house stinks from weed which occurs to me that he has been smoking some. I hope that fucker didn't take it all, after today I definitely need some.

"Wha...Ba...Bailey!" He shoots straight up when he realises it was me. He towers over me, and I'm not even scared. I've gotten used to it. I wouldn't say I'm scared of much, actually I don't think I'm scared of anything, not even death.

I'm ready to go. I don't want to be on this stupid planet anymore with stupid fucking people. You might be thinking 'why would such a young girl want to die'. Joking! No one thinks anything of me so why would you be thinking of me? I'm 17 yes, but I hate my life with all my guts.

People ask 'who is Bailey Martin', for fucks sake dude, I don't even know! I was once the usually happy little girl with a perfect family, but life was too good and something bad had to happen.

My mother, father, brother and myself were on our way to a trampoline park for my 13th birthday. We were taking both of my parents cars because we were planning to take some of my friends back for a sleepover after the party.

I kept arguing with my parents because I wanted to go in the car that left first to the party, which was my mum's, but they both insisted I was going with dad and my brother Parker was going with mum.

Long story short, my father and I stayed at home to collect the last of the supplies we were taking to the party, while mum and my brother left. Only minutes after they left me and father did, and boy oh boy was it a terrible sight.

Only a few streets from our house was two absolutely crushed cars, head on with each other. And bingo! It was the car my other halves were in.

Father and I knew that there was no way of them surviving. He turned into a drunk, abusive, drug addict father after that. And I was left in misery since my 13th birthday.

I've never spoken one word about that day, I've only told people that my big brother and mom moved away. I don't think dad has said anything about that day either. I can't remember the last conversation he has had with a person.

Continuing on, the week after they died I was sent back to school. No one knew about what happened, and of course that day of school, the new boy Harry Styles had to come.

Let's just say he has fucked my life up even more since he came, along with his evil sidekicks as well. It's like I have a target on my head because I don't get a break from them.

Why me out of everyone though? They must just see me grow weaker every day, but I feel like I'm stronger for lasting another day.

A low growl snaps me out of my thoughts and I look up into my dads fuming eyes. I put on my best smile for him as he raises his hand and collides it with my face.

Black is what I see.
Just the usual for my routine.

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