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After I got on that bus I pushed everything into the back of my head, I had to. If I wanted to start again I couldn't be thinking of the past, I couldn't still be thinking if I made the right decision or not.

I was on the bus for nearly a day with two stops. A good distance away from where I didn't want to be. Half asleep, I walked to a motel that was open and got a room for I could pay for by week. The next day I went exploring the town, looking for a place to work.

I came across a bakery, a cupcake store and a supermarket that I could work at. I ended up getting a job at the supermarket. It's a well payed job, I ended up being able to rent an apartment but it's just not home, and I've made friends with other workers there. I also made friends with their friends after we hung out together.

Right from the start I tried to be more confident with people and with life in general, I've put a smile on my face instead of my usual frown and it's helped. Slowly improving each month I've been here and now life has been treating me well.

I've been in contact with Gemma since I've left, basic conversations. She told me that Harry didn't go to school for a week after I left and he was breaking down. But he's better now that he's had time. I miss him. I miss him so fucking much.

I've thought about him a lot when I shouldn't have. I love him still, how could I not. I haven't spoken to him since I left, he probably doesn't feel the same, maybe he never did. I couldn't be near him with my head filled with mostly negatives, but I'm better now.

Now I'm here, 7 months later. Back to where I left from.

4 days ago, I woke up to a text from Gemma saying that Robin passed away. My heart breaks for the Styles family. I didn't know Robin for long, but he was a great man. Gemma asked me to come to the funeral, I couldn't say no to something like that.

I stand near a tree at the back of the small crowd of people. I look at Anne who has a red nose from crying, holding onto Gemma's right arm as they lower Robins casket. Harry is on Anne's right and has his left arm on both of their shoulders.

His hair has grown longer and I really like it. He looks really nice in his black suit, I've never seen him dress so formal, but when would I have?

As I travel my eyes from his shoes up to his face, I'm hit by a sudden intensity as I see his eyes locked on mine. My lips part as his green eyes stare into mine, he blinks twice before looking away.

I look down to the ground and soon enough it's over and everyone's dispersing. I'm thinking I shouldn't be here anymore, I shouldn't even say anything to Anne or Gemma.

My feet start to hurriedly carry me away when I hear Anne's voice stoping me, "Bailey sweetie, is that you?" I turn around and face her with a small smile.

"Hi Anne," I see Gemma coming up behind Her mum and Harry leaning against the tree I just walked away from, "sorry for your loss."

"Thank you darling," her and Gemma are now in front of me, "how have you been? It's been a long time," she laughs.

"I've been really good, I'm finally okay with myself, y'know? How are you two?" I ask.

"We've seen better days," Gemma pipes up.

"C'mon, bring it in for a hug," Anne ushers me over. I wrap my arms around her and then blindly reach my arm out to find Gemma and pull her into the hug.

We stay comfortably hugging for a while before I pull away, "I better get going," I kiss Anne and Gemma on the cheek.

"I think your forgetting about someone," Gemma nods towards Harry who is still at the tree looking away.

"Yeah, go have a chat with him, he really missed you," Anne nudges me in his direction. I slowly start walking towards him while they both say goodbye to me and to catch up with them later.

He has one foot against the tree and leans his back on it, he slowly turns his head towards me standing on his left, features with a neutral expression.

I don't know what to say so I shift on my feet, "I should just, I should go."

I turn around and walk a step before Harry grabs my wrist and turns me around. He pulls me into his chest before bending down slightly so he can pick me up, arms around my waist and raising me from the ground. He leans me against the tree and my legs instinctively wrap around him as well as my arms going around his neck.

He has his head buried in my neck and did the same to him. I hear him breathe in deeply and sigh out. I run a hand through his hair and breathe his scent in.

"Missed you so much," Harry says against my neck.

"Me too Haz," I squeeze my arms around him tighter.

He kisses my neck, "when you left, I couldn't believe you told me you loved me," another kiss, "I took too long to realise you were already gone and I didn't even get to say it back," he kisses my jaw before pulling back in front of me, "there's not a day I haven't thought about you and I love you, I do. I loved you seven months ago and still do now. I love you Bai-"

I cut him off by kissing him on the lips. He cups my face and I have my hands in his hair. I pull back, "I love you too Harry," I breathe out.

"Can you believe we fell in love that quickly?"

I shake my head, "no, but we went through so much together."

"I suppose so," he smiles to his eyes as he looks at me. "Are you better now? Have you had enough time and space?" He nudges my nose with his.

"I'm way better and I think I've had too much time and space," I peck his lips.

"What are you doing now, are you going to stay away or come back, I could come with you since I've graduated or something else?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Uh, I don't know if I'll come back. Have you seen Mark? He'd be my only problem if I came back, but I'm not too worried," I shrug.

"Well, about Mark..." he looks away from me.

I push him back gently so I can stand up, "what is it Harry?"

"He, um, overdosed on drugs and died," he brushes my hair behind my ears.

"Oh," I don't know how to feel about that, it's kind of a relief, "I guess my only problem is out of the way then," I chuckle.

He squeezes my shoulders, "your not sad or anything?"

"Maybe a little bit sad, but I don't think he deserves to be in my train of thoughts, after all he did to me," I bite my bottom lip.

"Yeah, I understand. How about we go home and have a real think about what we're going to do, yeah?"

"Harry I don't care what we do or where we are. As long as I'm with you, I'm home."

The End

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