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Harry drove me back to his house. In his car I had asked if he told his friends, old friends now, about all our conversations and doings since they knew we were hanging out. He told me that he would make up stuff when they asked but never told anything. They we sat on his bed having small talk.

"I haven't seen Mark in a while," I say out of the blue.

"And do you want to see him?" Harry scoffs.

"Well fuck no I'm just finding it weird because he usually gets so mad when I'm not at home for one day and-"

Harry grabs my hands, "this is your home Bailey. Don't call that house with Mark in it your home. This is your home, okay?"

"This is my home," I whisper back and nod slowly.

"Mark could be in Africa for all we know. Do you want to do something about him, call the police? He can go to prison, but if you didn't want to do that there is always plenty of other options. Could run away, move-" I cut him off.

"Let's run away," I smile so big. Harry raises his eyebrows.

"I was joking Bailey," he chuckles softly.

"Well I wasn't Harry, let's go. Let's run away, you can tell your parents though, for me it can be running away from Mark, for you... more like a trip," my eyes light up as his eyes sparkly. He's so beautiful, his shoulder length hair, perfect features, those eyes, everything.

I continue, " I have quite a lot of money saved, I'm sure you might. Let's pack our bags and hit the road. Once we get on the road, let's not look back. We'll keep driving, start a new life. Who cares about school? Fuck it. This town is full of so much negative shit, I need to leave."

He sighs and looks down, dropping my hands he was holding the whole time, "Bailey, I cant just up and leave. My, my family is here, I wanted to graduate. I know all the bad shit that has happened to you is here, but isn't this too sudden?" He questions me.

I shake my head and speak softly, "I don't think it's too sudden, well for me. I have nothing to leave behind, I could go anywhere, get a fresh start."

"What about me?" His voice sounds sad suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I tilt me head as I study his sad features.

"You said you have nothing to leave behind, but what about me? You just made a decision to leave but what if I don't go? Your going to leave me. Your going to leave behind me and everything that's happened," he sniffles.

He's not crying but I see his eyes going watery. I scoot over to him where he sits crossed legged. I get in front of him and stand on my knees while putting my hands at the back of his neck to slightly run my fingers through his hair there.

"Harry," he puts his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder, "I'm not going to leave straight away. If you don't want to come then you don't come, yeah it's disappointing but I'll be alright. You'll be alright without me, as harsh as it sounds, we've survived without each other before. I feel like I've changed for the better thanks to you, I couldn't be more grateful for all that you've done. I think it would be great for me to escape this place, with or without you. But it's up to you Harry, I know this was a quick decision, some may say I'm dumb for making it, but I'm going to do it, it's whether or not you do it as well."

I pull back and rest my forehead on his while cupping his cheeks. I flicker my stare between his eyes and his mouth before quickly kissing his lips.

"I'll have to think about it," he sighs and grabs a piece of my hair between his fingers to focus on, "I'm proud of you, you're so strong. But if I did go with you, what would that make us? If I didn't go what would that make us?"

I bite my lip before answering, "either way, it wouldn't make us anything. We are what we are now, whatever this is, I hope that doesn't change whether you come with me or not."

He smiles softly, "these past few weeks will be memories I want to last forever."

After that we snuggled in bed and fell asleep. Now it's been three day and I know it's really soon but I've decided to leave.

I haven't told anyone yet. I'm hoping to tell Harry's family before I tell Harry, then I'll say my goodbyes to them before telling Harry.

He's going to be a hard one to tell. I don't know if he decided to come or not. I came to think that as sad as it is, I don't want him to come. He's already wasted time on me, I don't want him to waste anymore. He has a life ahead of him and I don't want to stop that. I'll even tell Anne and Rob to tell him to stay here.

So if Harry has decided to come with me by the time I tell him I'm leaving, I'm going to tell him he's making the wrong decision.

It's going to be so hard to say goodbye.

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