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We ended up waking up at 1:20 but I still feel so exhausted. Before going downstairs I had a shower and got changed into black tights and a long sleeve red flannel. Harry having a showing after me while I sit crossed legged on his bed and wait. Soon enough he comes out and we go down stairs to find Anne sitting on the couch.

"Oh dear," she says as she stands from the couch, "I'm so sorry that awful, awful man put you through that yesterday."

"Mum, just don't bring it up maybe," Harry responds.

I pipe up, "no, it's okay. Thank you for your concern."

"Anytime darling," she sits back down, "well, help yourselves to breakfast and carry on," she shoos us off my her hand.

We walk into the kitchen and Harry opens the fridge wide open. I've never seen so much food. I'm pretty sure my stomach just grumbled.

"Let me make some scrambled eggs," he looks over his shoulder, "do you want that?"

I nod my head so much he laughs, "yes please."

Harry cooks while I sit at the stool. Once he is done he spreads it on two plates, one has more which I'm assuming he wants to be his. He grabs forks and hands me my plate before walking away. I follow him and we end up sitting outside on the pool side tables.

We don't talk we eat. I finish before him and he scoffs, "a bit hungry, aye?"

I put my plate down next to me, "I don't want to be up myself here, but how do you think I'm this skinny?" I lift up my scarred filled wrist and look at how small it is, "I haven't had a proper meal in a while."

He holds his plate out to me, "eat the rest of mine."

I shake my head and he pulls his plate back, "my diet is so bad, if I eat any more today I think I'll throw up."

He doesn't respond, which is good, because I don't want him to. He finishes his food off and tells me he'll be back while taking my plate. When he comes back he clears his throat.

"So what do you want to do about your dad?"

"About my dad..."

"Why are you saying it like that?"

"Well when I cut my self the other day, he said horrible, horrible things to me. Including that heisntmyactualfather." I say in one breath.

"What!? He isn't your actual father! That's not okay, he can't be doing this to you! He shouldn't be doing this anyway, but you're not even his kid!" He starts pacing with his hands in his hair.

"I know he shouldn't be doing this, never should have done anything like this. But I know what he is capable of, if he figures out I've done something to stop him from this, he will hurt me even more. Or could hurt someone else," I look at him because I don't want him or anyone else hurt.

"I won't be getting hurt, neither will anyone else. Plus, he doesn't even know you are here."

"Yeah, but he will find out, and he won't stop doing things until it gets really, really bad."

He sits back down, "okay, okay. Well, let's just go slow, you live here with us, make sure you're out of his site."

I blow out a breath. Why is my life so fucked? To top that, I've been staring at this swimming pool and I can't stop getting a tingling feeling. What if I was in a car accident and the car landed in water? I'd be dead then. Huh.

I should swim.

"Really" Harry says all of a sudden. I look at him confused, "do you want to go for a swim, we can, I'll help you."

"Oh, oh! I said that out loud didn't I?"

"Yes you did, don't back out, please swim with me. I'll turn the heater on, it'll be good. You can get through it with me," he practically begs.

I think about his words.

Maybe I should swim. I need to do it one day. I need to get over that fear and constant reminder. If I can do it it would be like getting rid of the painful memories.

I look at him, "let's do it then."

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