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After the awkward situation of Gemma seeing us like that, Harry and I separate to get dried and into clothes. I quickly brushed my teeth and headed downstairs to find Harry and Gemma sitting on the couch chatting.

I sit next to Gemma when they gesture for me to sit, "so, I have to go out to run some errands," Harry starts, "mum and Rob are out, but Gemma is left here, so I thought you could maybe hang with her."

"Yeah, cool," I smile.

"Yes! Well go on Harry, leave so we can be alone," Gemma stands and claps her hands.

"Okay, okay," Harry stands up with his hands gesturing for Gemma to chill, I stand up too, he looks at both of us with a serious look, "have fun, stay out of trouble and don't do anything stupid," he smiles at Gemma before walking over to me.

He bends down to my height and quietly says, "you have my number, call me if you need or if your upset, anything," he stands back up and messes my hair up, "catch ya girls later." And with that he is gone, leaving Gemma and I standing.

"Do you have any ideas of what you want to do?" She asks me sitting back down, I sit too.

"Well I don't really mind, up to you I guess," I shrug, "oh fuck," I hiss.

"What?" Gemma asks, panicked.

"I don't know why but I just thought of school and how most of my school stuff is still with Mark," I rub my temples.

"Well, I mean, we could go get it," she suggest.

"Probably not the best idea, I could buy some new books, but all my notes. I'm fucked!" I yank my hair at my scalp.

"No," she shake her head disapprovingly, "I'm an adult women, brown belt karate, he doesn't know me, he can't touch me. If worse comes to worse, it's two against one, right? We go in, stick together, get out," determined, she jumps off of the couch and pulls me with her, "you live a block away right? Should I bring my car?" She drags me to the front door.

"Gemma, I'm not too sure, Harry won't be happy, and what about your mom?" I freak out.

"Fuck Harry, I won't say the same for mom. None of them have to know, we keep our mouth shut," she grabs her car keys, "we take my car, park in your neighbours driveway and figure out what way we get inside from their."

Soon enough we are parked in my neighbours driveway, Gemma eager to get inside, me not so much.

"I don't think you've really thought this through. What if he's in there? He'll kill me, probably you. Oh hell, what if he sees your face or your car!? He will look around the neighbourhood!" I start to feel light headed.

"Suit yourself, I'll go in by myself," with her last words she is exiting the car, strutting towards the front door.

She takes a pin out of her hair and puts it in the key hole. Where the fuck did she learn that? Who am I kidding, probably a movie. She twists and turns it, she's in.

I open my door and get out, shielding myself from my house. In a whisper yell I say, "Gemma, get back! It's a bad idea, what are you doing!?" But she's already inside.

I look around and make the terrible decision to run to the door. I peek my head in the door then make my way in. Why can't I see Gemma? Oh no, he's got her-

"Ah!" I scream as I nearly run into Gemma in the kitchen.

"Where is your bedroom? I'm lost," she looks around in confusion, "he's not here by the way."

"How are you so sure?"

"I screamed out 'cocka-doodle-doo'!" She laughs.

"No way," I can't help but laugh.

"Let's go, we have limited time here."

I grab my bag that was in the hallway from when I got home yesterday. I jog up to my room and start shoving school stuff into the bag.

"I don't want to be rude, but it's going to be rude. Anyway, your house is very dirty," she says in disgust, looking around my room, but not just talking about my room.

Why would she say that? I'm not blind.

I stop what I'm doing and look at her, "I don't think I'll take offence to that, but why would you point out the obvious? I'm pretty sure you've heard about the man I'm leaving with, he's not some sort of neat freak," I scoff.

"I know!" She defends herself, "I'm just wondering how you could live like this for so long, why didn't you run away?"

"He was the only family I had left, I couldn't just run. Even if he's not my actual father, before the incident he was and I love the old him. I love him when he was with my mother and brother. But this man now, I haven't known him since the two most important people in my life died. I hate him with my life, the fucker can die and I'll be crying tears of joy for all I know," I say in an emotionless voice.

"Yeah, I understand that. I'm sorry about everything but right now let's just go," she softly smiles at me.

We go to exit my room, but before we can there is a crashing sound. We both look at each other with wide eyes.

She whispers, "let's go out together, I'll go first of course. If it's him we come back here and go out the window, if it's not him then we bolt it."

I nod and put my bag on one shoulder. I gesture my head that I'm ready and she slowly walks out of the room. I follow and once we are close to where the sound most likely came from, Gemma screams.

"Oh my god!" She practically bursts my ear drums. I jump in shock and look over her shoulder.

"You stupid little shit," I say as I walk towards it, "scared the crap out of us," I lightly hit the cats head.

"Oh it's your cat, gave me the biggest fright," she puts her hand on her heart and breaths deeply.

"Not my cat, just comes and visits," I lean down to the cat, "you can't come here anymore, never safe for you here, not while I'm gone," I stroke it's head.

"I think I just lost 10 years," she calls out dramatically, "but let's leave before a cat isn't the only presence in here."

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