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This weekend I didn't even know where Mark was, he didn't come home, left me there the whole weekend. But hooray for me, I didn't have to deal with him. I went shopping and brought the cheapest snacks I could find and hid them in my room. Otherwise, the weekend was spent catching up on sleep.

But today was a bad day. Monday. 9th of April. My birthday. Equal to half my hearts death.

I don't want to see anyone, speak to anyone, have anyone look at me or anything that involves another person. I deserve to be dead. I shouldn't be here.

I know I can't stay home from school because Mark will come home and try and beat me, school is my best place to escape to. I don't even think I want to come home tonight. Every year on this date, Mark would think of a way to bring pain to me. Whether it's being tied to my brothers bed post, which is the worst ever, or burning my hip with a candle.

So I get dressed for school in my usual, I wore a hoodie, even though my cuts aren't as obvious. I walk to school slow as ever, crossing the roads without looking, hoping I would get hit by a car.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get hit by that car. But when I did walk into school, I got hit by the shock of seeing a dozen people staring at me.

I ignore them and walk to my locker, only to find a piece of paper taped on it saying:


I gasp, rip it off and scrunch it in my hands. I did not need people seeing this. And I haven't told anyone this. Except I maybe told Ashley that they did die on the way to my birthday party. Ashley. That dumb bitch.

When I look up I see lots of people looking at me, whispering and taking photos of me. You've got to be fucking kidding me!

I build up my confidence to say, "stop, for all you people know this might not even be true. So fuck off!" I didn't yell it or say it gently.

My eyes start to water when I start walking to find Ashley. She could be in 3 spots. Either one of them I know who she'd be with. So I head to the cafeteria first. And what a coincidence.

I stand at the door staring at her. How could she? The one thing I struggle with the most and she goes and spreads it like that. I swallow harshly, fighting against my tears.

I shake my head and walk to her, hands clenched, right hand holds the scrunched up paper. She just stares at me, so does Becky and Harry, and the rest of their group. Their all sitting on the round table, Ashley on the end.

"You deserve it bi-" Ashley doesn't get to finish her sentence because my right hand is slapping her face, with the paper that has the information only she knew on it.

With my hit, she falls from the table and lands on the floor with a scream. I could feel my tears right at the edge of my eyes, so I have to finish this off quick.

With her on her back, I reach down and grab her shirt, pulling her so her face is only inches from mine.

"I don't know why you decided to do this, what the fuck did I do to you? You were my best friend Ash, how could you?" My voice breaks and she looks terrified, "I, I trusted you with this, I told you not to tell anyone, it should've stayed like that whether we were friends or not. What if I exposed something in front of the whole school that was personal for you? You know what I go through, you know what my life is like," tears slowly start falling, "you deserve the fucking worst your going to get, and I hope you're going to get hell, you back stabbing little cunt!" I spit at her and let her go.

I stand up and sniffle, patting my eyes before turning to the others. I eye each one of them harsher than the next, trying not to be obvious when I skip Harry.

I point my finger as I talk, "every single one of you. Terrible, terrible people. This is just drawing the fucking line, not just for me, but for anyone! None of you know what I go through, this is too personal, and I don't care who put that shit on my locker, you all encouraged it!" I step closer to Becky, "Princess over here wouldn't like it if people knew that her mummy sleeps around to earn money to pay for the bills," I make a shocked face, "oh, maybe that's why daddy left her, because she is a down right whore."

I few 'ohhh' and 'burns' were heard throughout the cafeteria, but I didn't want to hear them. I backed up and raised both my middle fingers at all of them and left.

Left to the usual tree.
And someone was behind me.

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